(no subject)

Dec 03, 2008 12:35

My car mishaps continue. Today we went to a yet another school visit, this time taking G. with us for his very first “interview.” We were barely on time, parked, and were trying to get to school in a rush. Igor noticed that my car doors weren’t locking. We went around trying to close all the doors. Still no door locking clicking sound. Checked that neither one of us left the key in the car. No dice. He then tried to close the door with his hey (by pushing the button on the key, not on the door, as we usually do). Still didn’t work. At that point we decided to chose timeliness (such as it was) over worries and left the car unlocked.

When we came out and I opened the front passenger door to reach for my bag, I noticed something that should’ve been blindingly obvious to me before: the car was turned on. No wonder it wouldn’t lock!

For those wondering: no, the electric battery didn’t drain completely (because the car would turn on the gas engine from time to time to charge the battery), and no, it didn’t run out of gas while waiting for me (because the electric battery can last quite a while just keeping the dashboard on). But darn it, what’s going on with me?

Oh, and this is an indication that I really do need the warning beeps fixed; not only so that I’d notice when the car is not locking (I got used to listening for the locking sound), but so that I’d get the warning when trying to take the key out of a running car.

parenthood, prius, personal, funny, school selection, goshik, english

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