Democratic presidential candidates

Sep 13, 2019 20:58

My thoughts on the democratic candidates so far and my predictions (I can't say I've been very successful with such predictions in the past, so take them with a grain of salt. As I'm sure all of you would anyway, even without this admission.).
  • I'm glad the field is still very wide, and there isn't one clear leader. I actually think this is helping Democrats quite a bit. If there were one clear likely winner, Fox and all sorts of other right/Trumpist media would be spending 24/7 on pouring all sorts of dirt on them, and pretty soon they'd be seen as unlikable/stony/hysterical/socialist/lying/whatever-other-lies-someone-can-come-up-with. There'd be "pizzagate"-level and other conspiracy theories out in force. I mean they are all there already, but at least right now it's still spread among multiple candidates, so no single one is getting hammered too bad. The longer this continues, the better for democrats, I think.

  • Whomever appear to be the clear leaders in the polls, won't necessarily be leaders when it comes to first primaries. The states with first primaries historically have shown that the polls aren't that predictive. For example, in 2007, people thought that Clinton would win the nomination. But Obama's wins in early primaries really helped him.

  • I predict Biden and Sanders to be the losers (compared to their poll numbers) in early primaries. That could be entirely due to my own prejudice: I don't like either one of them as a candidate.
  • My personal top choice right now is Buttigieg, with Warren being a close second. I worry about Warren having a much harder time in the general election, precisely because of the level of vehement hate that Fox and others have been whipping up against her for years.

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