For various work and personal reasons, I haven't been able to make a firm decision about going to Bicon until the very last minute, but everything is now resolving itself, so I'm going to be able to go! I'm travelling down tomorrow with Z from biphoria, and hopefuly we'll get there late afternoonish. Am also probably going to leave Sunday evening to lessen the time taken off work and hopefully avoid some of the collective comedown.
I'm going to nick
xanna's idea and leave a quick description here in case people want to say hello after bicon. My name's Ange, I have bobbed henna-red hair and glasses some of the time (this is not a picture of me). You might well see me running around with a camera. Umm, I think that will do as I'm a fairly private person.
If you land here and friend me, please introduce yourself so I know who you are!