the revolutionary badger army is at your command...

Jul 13, 2007 11:41

I know several people have linked to this already, but it's still amusing me hugely. Basra locals accuse the British Army of releasing a plague of ravening badgers upon the city. Yes, really.

Particularly prompted by my discovery of this spoof news story from a couple of weeks ago, including a *fantastic* picture of a badger sitting in a tank, wearing a helmet.

‘British badgers will play their part in supporting American and Iraqi forces in establishing the fragile democracy in Baghdad’ said a government spokesman yesterday. ‘As we are now handing over control of the country to the Iraqi people, the badgers duties will not extend to flying reconnaissance missions, driving armoured vehicles or guarding key installations. Their role will be more focused on scurrying around at night snuffling out worms and stag beetles.’

Ain't the silly season great?

cultural gubbins, wierd shit

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