Part 7
I had been brought to the sleep study room I had seen on my first day here. It had been only half full and half set up then (which I didn’t know) but was fully set up now and crowded. There was a guard standing outside the door and a nurse sitting just inside the door. The cozy little bed from before was gone and in its place the hospital bed straight from nightmares. It was long but narrow and had large rails on its sides boxing the occupant in (all it needed as a lid and it would be a cage). There were straps hanging from the railings and I knew they were restraints (the only good part, in a weird twisted way of good, was that there were a lot as if they thought they needed that many to keep me in as if I was super strong…or likely to wiggle away). The wires and gear needed to monitor me seemed to have tripled as did the computers and other machines they would plug into. Last, there were three huge computer monitors and a tripod with a camera on it.
This was not good. How was I going to get my phone out to call for help if I was being watched and recorded? Even with the monitors in the room I didn’t doubt that there would be a live feed in someone’s office with a nurse or guard watching it at all times. What would happen if I couldn’t call for help to escape? My week was almost up, would my parents come for me? Could I wait till then? If my parents came would the government let me go? I had agreed to two weeks if needed but how would they convince my parents they needed the extra week and would my parents buy it without seeing me in person? My thoughts were interrupted again when one of the guards who had accompanied me here tried to take my guitar and book. I, of course, started to put up a fight but was halted by Dr. Ferris who put her hands on my shoulders and spoke low into my ear.
“Jensen you won’t be needing those tonight. We have time to set you up for your first sleep study but then its curfew. You can have them back in the morning” she sounded so rational and soothing. She didn’t put pressure on him with her hands but her reasoning was enough for tonight.
I let go of my guitar and book since if I didn’t they could make me and that was not getting off on the right foot for this part of my stay. I needed them to trust me enough so I could do what I had to to escape. If I fought now I wouldn’t get the chance to be alone or have the small freedom to have room to escape. I just had to go with the flow for now.
Once the guard had my stuff and was sure I wasn’t going to try and take it back or fight him for it he left. Dr. Ferris steered me towards the bed which when I could see over the railing held my pajamas. With instructions from Dr. Ferris I collected them and was escorted to a bathroom to change. The bathroom had my toiletries and I got to brush my teeth and wash my face, there was no shower in here. When I got back to the sleep room Dr. Ferris and the nurse had untangled the wires and had them laid out waiting for me. The guard had set up the camera and its red recorder light was on steady as I was hooked up.
At least six round metal plate monitors went on my head (the tape would hurt coming off in the morning I was sure but it beat being shaved), ten went from my neck to my hips (more tape to rip off in the morning!) and for reasons I can’t fathom and didn’t ask (or were explained) ten went on my legs. After that Velcro straps with more sensors went on, one for my head and neck, an arm each, chest, stomach, lower hips (much blushing here as it got rather low), and legs. Wires were attached to everything! How was I going to get any sleep wearing all this? I was laid down in the bed with help so I wouldn’t disrupt the wires and sensors on my body. I was thankfully not strapped down.
“How are you feeling? Are you comfortable?” Dr. Ferris asked as the nurse fiddled with all the monitoring equipment.
“I’m okay” I lied. I had small pressure points on over my body but especially where I was laying on them. How could anyone sleep like this? Did she really think I would be comfortable? I wondered if she had every tried this herself, than maybe she wouldn’t ask such a stupid question.
“We can adjust a few of the sensors, not all of them but if they bother you we can make it better” Dr. Ferris seemed to know I was lying, maybe she had tried all this out.
I told her about a few of the sensors and she had me sit up so she could adjust them, taking off of the tape hurt alright. In the end I was only a tiny bit better off but she made me feel a little better on the inside as well as out that she was trying to help me be comfortable in my unchosen position. She even tucked me in when I was as settled as I was going to be. Even though she worked for the government she cared about her patients and I could use her feelings and sympathy in my escape if I had to. She wasn’t a bad person she just made bad choices I decided.
After that she went to check over the nurses work on the monitors and seemed satisfied enough to let the nurse return to her seat by the door. She adjusted the lights to be dim but not completely off so the camera could still record me. She also took some water bottles off a tray I hadn’t noticed. She left some for the nurse and came to give me a few sips since I couldn’t get up to get my own should I be thrusty later. The nurse would have the bottle should I wake up and want more later. Then she was gone and the nurse and I were alone.
I just lay there thinking I would not sleep when I found my eyes drooping and my breathing slowing. I was falling asleep! I tried to fight it as best I could without moving (I was sure I would be strapped down if I tried to toss and turn let alone wiggle about) but it was no use. Even trying to work myself up into a panic over what would happen in the morning with the addresses I’d possess didn’t work. I fell into a deep sleep I’m sure made the nurse and people monitoring me very happy.
When I woke up it was slowly and I was disoriented. I tried to roll over and found that I couldn’t. The panic that caused finished waking me up.
“Easy Jensen take it easy everything is okay” Dr. Ferris was standing at the bedside and quickly undoing the restraints. She saw that I was watching with panic and she gave me a weak smile. “You tried to turn over in your sleep and wouldn’t stop.” I liked to sleep on my side and I was currently on my back so it made sense but I wasn’t happy about it. “You would have knocked off a few of the sensors so instead of waking you up to put them back on every time we just made sure you’d stay still.” She finished unstrapping me by the time she had finished explaining.
I just lay there for a minute getting myself under control and trying not to let the panic spread. I had been strapped down in my sleep and hadn’t woken up. I couldn’t have been that tired, could I? I didn’t do anything strenuous the previous day. At least I didn’t think leaving the base and riding the bus to Riley and getting caught had been that exciting to cause fatigue.
“You can get up?” Dr. Ferris thought I needed prompting and offered me a hand to help.
When I was finally out of bed and on my feet she and the nurse who must have stayed the night helped take all the sensors and wires off. I was escorted to the bathroom to take care of private matters and change. I wondered as I got dressed when I’d get a shower. Instead of going back to the sleep room I was taken by the guard to the classroom where I had studied all the missing people. Would they make me study them again? Would they try to make me study new pictures? Would I get the information I’d requested about the people they had already shown me? I hoped it was the last because I had more addresses and I really really didn’t want to give them up without knowing if I was doing the right thing.
I wasn’t in the room long when Dr. Ferris came in with a tray of breakfast. Oatmeal, toast, eggs and orange juice. I ate it all between answering her questions about how I slept and how I felt and stuff. I wasn't too interested in her questions and she gave up and allowed me to eat in peace when she couldn't get more than one syllable words from me.
Maybe he was waiting in the hall or maybe I’d become a bit paranoid but as soon as I had finished my last bite of breakfast and put my fork down Coronel Pellegrino came in. For once he was probably happier then I was.
“I trust breakfast was sufficient” he started. I didn’t bother to reply and I doubted he expected me to so he just went right along. “You had plenty of good deep REM sleep. I expect you have some addresses for us.”
“And I expect you have some information for me” I could at least start my working day off right by pissing him off.
“I don’t owe you anything” Pellegrino smeared looking down his nose at me.
I shrugged and tried to laze in my seat looking more relaxed then I felt. “Well I don’t owe you anything either.” It was true but that part seemed to have passed him by as he tried to keep his face from showing how much anger or contempt he had for me.
“But you do, that is the reason you are here, to locate missing persons. The deal was for us to give you room and board and medical while you work for us.” I wondered if Coronel Pellegrino had even looked at the contract I had signed because he certainly hadn’t read it.
“Actually no. First, I made a deal with the F.B.I., whatever deal they made with you only covers our joint parts. If you threw something else in there I didn’t sign and that can’t be held against me.” I had no idea if what I was saying was legit legal ese but I was certain that the concepts were right. “Second, I never agreed to give anyone the information flat out, only if it was pertinent or if I felt like it. And since the terms of pertinent were never specified and we could argue all day with no resolution as to who decides what’s pertinent it’s really up to what I decide to give you.”
Pellegrino’s face was turning red with either rage (my first choice) or embarrassment (not likely but still an option) at my statement. “I can have you thrown in the brig” he said threw a clenched jaw.
“For what? That would be false imprisonment and I am sure Mr. Brown would have a hay day with that.” I was unsure if Pellegrino knew who Mr. Brown was considering he hadn’t bothered to read the contract I’d signed but I didn’t care. He’d find out if he tried to lock me up. Officially at least since I considered what they did last night locking me up.
And this is where I sadly leave you for now. I know you want to know what happened to me but I am planning to escape. I leave this behind as a record of what has happened so far should anything tragic befall me and I can’t continue. Also I can’t be hampered by anything that might slow me down as I make my escape. If I make it I’ll start a new statement. If not…well at least this will have been either entertainment or a cautionary tale. Wish me luck.
Jensen Ross Ackles.