And Baby Makes..... Part 1

Dec 28, 2014 03:16

This is a little story a wrote to fill a prompt over at spnkink_meme which can be found here

Title: And Baby Makes....
Fandom: Supernatural RPF
Pairing: J2
Word Count: 1,796 for part 1
Summary: AU or non-au Jensen is a male carrier or omega. He finds himself pregnant.

It's a world where men CAN get pregnant, but not everyone thinks they should, but homophobia still exists (though not by any means universal) and there are those who believe it's unnatural for a man to carry a child. Now that he is pregnant, it is visible proof that he is gay, or at least bi.

Up to the author how those close to Jensen react, whether or not they knew he slept with men, but I'd like if they at least are eventually supportive of him and help him throughout the pregnancy.

Authors Note: I don't own Supernatural, any of it's fine actors, or their opinions, I am just having a bit of fun. Not betaed so any and all mistakes are mine. Please comment and tell me how I am doing. Thanks, hope you enjoy.

Jensen looks down at the little sheet of sonogram pictures in his hand the same way he had looked down on the positive home pregnancy test a month ago. His face is a mask of worry and slight fear, his brow furrowed with the emotions, eyes sad and a small frown on his lips. It’s not that he doesn’t love the tiny life forms growing in his belly but the rest of the world…yeah, that’s a different matter. Male carriers are not the newest thing to surprise and upset the world balance but they are still a hot topic issue as the world is still getting over the shock seventy years after the first pregnant man stumbled into a hospital terrified and in labor. After that first birth by a man to a healthy baby boy it seemed everything was about males who could now become pregnant and carry babies to term. The poor guy who had the unlucky misfortune (in Jensen’s opinion) to be the first pregnant man was studied and had his life put under a microscope for the whole world to look at leaving nothing left of the man’s privacy or personal self unknown to total strangers. The slowly decreasing homophobia around the world was back in force and the governments and laws scrambled to keep up with growing problems and fears. Things had settled since then but it was still fresh in people’s minds as it was only three generations ago and there were still many people alive who had been around and remembered that time of change. Jensen had been born in the year after mandatory screening for male carriers had been deemed unconstitutional and his parents had opted not to screen him ensuring this with a home birth with a midwife. They had left the option open for Jensen if he wanted to be screened when he was old enough to know what a male carrier was and what it might mean to him. He hadn’t cared to know and considering that no male in his family had yet to be positively identified as a male carrier in any screening done and there was no history of it in his family otherwise he thought nothing of it even after he found out he was bi-sexual in high school.

Now he was regretting the choice of not being screened, even if it came with some prejudices against him. If he had been screened and tested positive he was sure that he wouldn’t have gotten some of the acting or even modeling gigs that he had had, but he wouldn’t be blindsided by this, his pregnancy either. He had lied on his application for Supernatural and provided fake documentation to the insurance and set doctors about his screening or lack there of for being a male carrier. Now he had to come clean, because if he didn’t his body would do it for him soon enough. Males tended to carry high and show little but he was older than most male carriers who were having their first children and having twins to boot. That he was sure he wouldn’t be able to hide after so long. Also the fact that he was bi-sexual would become known to those close to him as he had kept that part of himself so close that even his parents didn’t know. He was unsure how this news would go over but since it went pretty much hand in hand with the fact that he was pregnant he just had to cross his fingers. It was one thing to be bi-sexual or gay and another to be either and a male carrier.

He had been at war with himself as to who to tell first about his situation until the doctor handed over the sonogram photos and asked that for the next visit he bring any information on the babies father so the doctor could add it to the medical charts and screen for any conditions that might affect the babies. That had settled his decision for him and brought about new worries. He was fairly sure that his babies father would accept that he was going to be a father but he knew little about conditions that might affect the babies from his families side. He didn’t feel like he could take any more surprises so decided to get telling his babies father over with as soon as possible. Which is how he ended up being a nervous wreck two hours later pounding on the door of his best friend and coworkers house, which funnily enough he used to live in not too long ago. He had to stop the nervous crazy laughter from escaping as the door was swung open to reveal a sleepy and curious looking Jared.

“Hey Jen” Jared said around a yawn as he stepped aside to let Jensen in. “You okay?” he looked Jensen over as he shut the door taking in his friends nervousness.

“I went to the doctor” was all Jensen said in reply. He couldn’t look at Jared in the face at the moment so settled for staring at a spot in the middle of his chest.

Jared’s face turned serious, he had known about the appointment and looking at Jensen so nervous and spacy something in him grew tense. “What’s wrong, what did they say?” Jared lead Jensen into the living room by the elbow and sat him on the couch, sitting himself on the coffee table in front of his friend despite a voice sounding suspiciously like his mother going off in his head about sitting on the furniture not meant for such things. He tuned it out and focused instead on his friend, Jensen right now trumped everything else going on.

Jensen looked down at the floor for a moment before reaching inside his coat and pulling out the sonogram pictures. He silently handed them over not looking up from the floor.

Jared was confused when Jensen didn’t answer him and was about to ask again when Jensen pulled some paper out of his coat and held it out to him. He took it his brow wrinkling and eyes narrowed in confusion as he flipped the paper over to see what was on it. His eyes widened in shock at the tiny gray blobs surrounded by black that was obviously a sonogram picture. He had seen one before when his brother announced Jared was going to be an uncle. He frowned for a moment still confused, because Jensen had told him that he was going to the doctors. He had said nothing about going with his past girlfriend Danneel Harris or meeting up with her before or after the visit.

“Um…” Jared blows out a breath and looks up at his friend who still hasn’t taken his eyes off the floor, “Congratulations?” He knows he sounds a bit unsure or reluctant but he can’t help it. As far as he knew Jensen’s relationship with Danneel had ended (quite spectacularly he thinks) about three months ago and the way Jensen is acting. He isn’t sure if the baby is good news or not and what it means for his friend. He doesn’t know if the relationship between Jensen and Danneel has changed or if they have had a thing since then or if this is something from before they broke up and is just coming up now. “How is Danneel taking it? What are the two of you going to do now?” Jared knows he will support his friend with whatever comes out of this.

Jensen is startled when Jared mentions Danneel and has to laugh, although it sounds weak and a bit crazy. He peeks up to see that Jared is confused with a deep frown on his face but still holding onto the sonogram pictures. Jared must think he is going crazy or something from his behavior and Jensen decides to put Jared out of his misery or maybe rather into with a clue. “It’s not hers” he huffs.

Jared sits up strait at Jensen’s admission that the baby isn’t Danneel’s. He knows that Jensen was in a bad place for a few days after he and Danneel broke up but…this? He had been there for Jensen and tried to help him with the break up like any good friend would. He had even helped Jensen get rid of anything to remind him of Danneel and got him smashing drunk after, which may have led to some questionable not pity, slightly angry sex that both of them may not remember everything about the next morning and didn’t talk about since. But if Jensen had gone out still wrecked and had a drunken fling with some other faceless woman and got her pregnant. That was something Jared couldn’t really wrap his mind around and didn’t want to believe even with the evidence held in his hand. Then Jensen brings him out of his thoughts and stops all his brain functions for a moment.

“It’s mine” Jensen feels a little like crying saying it out loud to Jared who he hopes will figure out the rest and not make him say it, that Jared is the other father.

Jared has to force his eyes to the bottom of the pictures and sure enough just outside the frame is typed in bold Ackles, Jensen. Jensen is pregnant. Jared’s thoughts begin to race now, filled with scenarios he hopes aren’t true. Thoughts about Jensen’s random fling with a woman now replaced with faceless men. Then he chastises himself for even thinking that of his friend. But how had this happened? He will of course support his friend in any way that he needs and he’ll help weed out anyone who has a problem with it. Then a thought hits him about how far he may have to go to protect and support his friend “how did your parents take it?” He knows that while Jensen’s parents are religious they to his knowledge haven’t said one way or another their stance on male carriers. Jensen may be their child but their life is based heavily in faith, and the church… Well the church didn’t take well to the concept of men bearing children.

“They don’t know, I haven’t told them yet” Jensen rubs the back of his neck as is his habit when he is nervous. It looks like he’ll have to say it out load that Jared is the father.

“What?” Jared’s voice is high as he sounds surprised “Why?” It turns to concerned and confused.

Jensen finally looks up at Jared and stares into his eyes as he replies hoping Jared will understand and not do anything rash. “Because I wanted to tell the babies father first.”

bottom!jensen, j2, kink fill, and baby makes...., supernatural rpf, fan fiction, kink meme

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