This Entry is Only for Prayer Requests. If you have something going on in your life and need some prayer, please feel free to leave your request here. The whole point of this post is just to do more and be more available for my lj friends and strangers. So feel free to leave comments with your prayer requests and I'll be praying for you.
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I'm really sorry to hear all that. How is Kevin handling it? D
id he have any of these issues growing up? I know he has a lil speech impediment perhaps he had a similar case but ended up fine.
I hope, of course, autism isn't the case- but are you prepared if it is?
I have an autistic boy in my Sunday School class - he's very smart & very funny. Autism comes in degrees, some seemingly 'normal' kids show symptoms, but are so slight. For example, the boy in my class speaks just not the way you would think someone his age would - his speech is a little behind but he's still very smart- which makes him even more funny cause you don't expect him to do the silly things he does! And he loves to sing- and easily picks up new songs, he's my best singer. a great kid.
Hopefully your boys are just blossoming a little late & will get on track as they get older. some kids just struggle to get past toddler age. maybe the social interaction when they start school will really help- keeping up with all the kids around them might help them learn quicker.
anyways - if you need to talk/vent about it email me at daeswebdesign @ gmail . com ok?
I will be praying :)
Thank you for your prayers, I really appreciate it. Kevin and I are handing it in different ways. He on one hand doesn't wanna really talk about it until we know because it upsets him a great deal. I on the other hand want to know all I can about it. I'm scared more or less than anything else right now... I don't want Cameron and Devon to have a hard life growing up. I see all these other kids around Camerons age who are so much farther ahead of him and I can't help but tear up half the time. Luckily Cameron doesn't seem to have it severely if he does in fact have it at all but it's soo difficult to diagnose children with this because of how many degrees it comes in. I'm currently trying to get a hold of a developmental pediatrition to take him to but just reaching the guy is hard enough let alone scheduling the appointment. Cameron's signs are typical for children on the spectrum though which is what scares me. He has a tendency to walk on his toes, he also loves to line things up in a row and will not stop until he has done so. And when I say line things up I mean everything from pieces of paper to toys and even his sippy cups. His development delay is obviously a key sign but he's pretty far behind. He doesn't point at things like children his age should be doing and he doesn't talk except to say mom and baba which he doesn't even know what they are. What I mean is, he doesn't assosicate the word mom with me. He calls everything mom and baba and sometimes just makes the sound Aaaa Aaa Aaa Aaa over and over again, screaming it in a way. On the brighter side though he's very emotional as far as being happy and is very sociable so that's an up side. If it turns out he does have a form of Austism, obviously Kevin and I will have to deal with it if it happens. We're already dealing with it now in a lot of ways. Cameron is being seen by developmental therapists who are coming to the home to work with his development and once we see the developmental pediatrition I'm sure their will be more appointments to go to for observation sessions to determine whether or not Cammy has it too. It's just so upsetting Dan... I never thought anything like this would happen to my kids ya know? AND IT"S NOT JUSE ONE, IT"S BOTH OF THEM...I love them both soooo much... So far with Devon his signs aren't as drastic but there are still signs. He's not walking or talking which are definte delayed development warnings. He also has a tendency to hit his face with both hands and place his entire palm up to his nose. Devon is also pretty anti social with everyone but me and Kevin. On the upside though he does have good eye contact which is definetly good and when he is with me and Kevin he's a VERY happy baby and will giggle and what not. I just hope they are both lazy babys and don't wanna do things. It would be a lot more comforting than if they are diagnosed with the disease.
Well, I better go. They are both eating their breakfast in the living room right now and I'm sure I have a bit of a mess to clean up. The boys LOVE POP TARTS and Fruit Loops LOL.
I can't imagine this is an easy thing. hang in there until you get a diagnosis from the docs.
lazy boys sounds like a good thing to hope for right now. :)
enjoy the poptarts!
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