Jun 11, 2005 00:43
its been a week without school and i've accomplished....uh making food for myself? all i do is sleep, and have no energy ever, it sucks. I went to the doctors yesterday and got checked for mono, but all i ended up having was a throat infection.
i had a bonfire on tuesday cuz my bestest friend ever JULIE FIELDS came back from indiana for a week hah :) it was kinda lame at first...but had fun later on ;)
hung out with brian, john, and james the other day
i've also been to the mall countless times this week, i really don't know why...
I'm so sick of continously fighting with stupid people on a daily basis, i regret a lot of things i had with you.
today i worked at chip, then saw B-roys new car and went out to eat with him...then went back to his house and Dustin came by with his 'newly tinted' camaro which his ass is gonna get pulled over for. he kept his windows down in order not to get pulled over...what a dork :p
im off to bed
i work tomm at 12:30 till like 8ish
then ash's grad party :)