Apr 10, 2005 16:22
so this weekend was pretty good considering i was 'suppose' to be grounded. Only because my teacher decided to call my mom to tell her i was doing terriable in her class and i don't turn anything in.
Friday i went to Ryans show....got their early so i hung out with Jen and Jackie before....Jayme came later too. Afterwards we went to coney for 2 hrs and just at there...
Yesterday i went to franknmuth for my oma's 80th party.....wasn't as bad as i thought it would be...got home around 8 and Jayme and Ryan came over to chill for awhile before bowling.
Today i woke up feeling okay....then all of a sudden i started dying....so my mom tried to bring me to urgent care, but they made me go to the hospitial. I was sitting there for 4 hours in pain....then they finally gave me some meds and now i feel fucked up lol so werid.....but w/e as long as it worked. i have to take a bunch of antibiodics and pain killers this whole week. at least i didnt have to go to work today haha :)
brandon is on his way over to do hw with me.....so laterr