Jun 06, 2009 20:00
- 23:10 @ pricetom Get well soon! #
- 23:15 @ cazmalfoy yes we're definitely going to have to wrap GDL and Eve up in cotton wool, bubble wrap and generally make sure they are SAFE. #
- 23:32 Oh Dustin Hoffman how I love thee.... #
- 23:39 @ Ice_Elf sparks has got me writing RPF John/Scott fic for her about the trials of looking after John - tying to the bed threats has come up. #
- 23:54 @ Ice_Elf Yup - JBs going to be unbearable - its like trying to get a hyperactive puppy to sit still and stay. #
- 23:56 @ pricetom twitpic.com/6p9xv - *sends chocolate and well wishes*. Look after yourself! #
- 00:37 @ Ice_Elf worst thing with this type of injury is that pretty much any movement near it will hurt - and he's never been good at being still! #
- 00:59 @ morbid_sparks hey hun! Just read COT results - congrats!! #
- 01:00 @ cazmalfoy I just read COT results - congrats!! #
- 03:34 Body is insisting that what I need to do is stay awake till 3:30am despite having work tomorrow morning. Floodlike rain is not helping. #
- 03:35 @ gracie_musica *sends hugs to whoever it was thats crying* #
- 03:39 Also, the stupid ganglion is back in my finger, which makes my hand in general feel mildly sore all over and slightly strange. #
- 17:22 @ etmuse twitpic.com/6qrol - AWwwwwwwww. He has such a cute little grin. #
- 17:41 @ gracie_musica Congrats hun! #
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