So I decided that the best possible way to reward myself for the end of term was to go on a 5 minute stroll down the hill to the cinema. (Its dangerous being 5 minutes away from a 13 screen cineworld when you've got time on your hands!).
The only problem? Was I going to see XMen: Wolverine or was I going to go see Star Trek. I solicited the advice of friends who were not so helpful overall (Sam told me Star Trek was the better picture, Erin reminded me Wolverine had naked Hugh Jackman - stalemate!) so I decided to let 'which has better screening times' decide for me. And discovered that there was a third option - due to Star Trek having an 11pm screening, I could technically see BOTH. This option won by a LANDSLIDE.
Wolverine: I LOVE it. I'm a major major fan of the first XMen movie (the second and third were good but the original movie kicks ASS) and this one lived up to its hype. There was some great action sequences, some hilarious lines and majorly cool plotlines that managed to incorporate both the backstories of some well-known-from-film characters and some of my favourites from the Comics (Gambit FTW!). Plus, there was pretty much non-stop Hugh Jackman, including some nekkid!Hugh, and since I could happily lick every inch of that yummy man specimen, I was a very very happy girlie.
Star Trek: This movie however, kicks ASS. There are not words to describe how much I love this film. Whilst I've never been a major Trekkie, I have always loved the original Star Trek series, and this movie makes me want to bow down and worship at its feet. Whoever was in charge of casting it made some truly inspired choices, and the perfect balance between those hair raising action sequences, plot-advancing relationship and character developments and pure comic GENIUS moments has me literally wanting to go back and see it again tommorrow after work, just so I can gasp, laugh and cheer all over again. For all those who haven't seen it - GO!! GO!! I don't care if you're not a Trek fan, you don't have to be! This film is a friggen MASTERPIECE!
That is all.