Hoho, I'm being better. Well, these were short. Like short short.
Remember, no uploading to streaming sites, no selling, reselling, or passing off the work as yours. And remember my Korean isn't 100% perfect, and there are things that are unfortunately lost in translation.
Episode 33 - First Night and Afterwards
(Actually Season 2, Episode 1)
Part A - First Night:
MF |
MU Part B - and Afterwards:
MF |
MU Kookie on his first day, awww. He's very awkward here. The first clip is cute, the second not so much, but it shows the violent side of young Kookie that we all know has somewhat disappeared. Though, it does seem to pop up once in a while when he's hitting people (like MC Mong) on the head with a 뿅망치.
Lower quality and not subbed, but full season