Feb 23, 2005 00:20
Nobody read my journal in the 1st place and they sure as hell won't now...so I feel the need to bitch..
Why I keep on feeling hurt
I know it's not this attack again
It was once that anxiety but now i can't tell
As midnight rolls around
In the room quietly sits the beast
After all my tears and fear
After the fear of dieing
And even after wanting to die
I am suprised to be alive
I call and he is an ass
Hard to belive
Hard to breathe
Yet I believed him
He stuck that knife through my heart
As I lay in my puddle of blood
I pray that it will end
Even though I know I will never mend
I know, I have the perfect lilttle home with the perfect little life....if only their wasnt a beast living, yet without her no matter, I am lost
Funny how children are like little puppies...our mothers beat us up, throw us around, crush our hopes and dreams and yet somehow when we look at out mother we can't help but feel sorry and for some reason still want them there to tear us apart even more.
Today I had a school project to do so I went out and wasted my momey and my dad's money on stuff for the stupid project and then I went over to the girls house and all she did was cut and paste things on the board and I sat there typing up all the work...And she's been home since 3:45 and i wasn't able to get home till 5:30 and then i had to go buy the crap...and then while at her house she was all eating in front of me and didn't even offer me any...okay I know stupid of me, but gosh! it's called maners!!!
Also I have this friend of mine that is just sooo stupid b/c it's liek she is looking for more ways for people to call her a whore...it's sooo sad and it just upsets me
Oh btw Happy 20-min-late-6-months-till-i-am-16- Birthday....