Apr 10, 2009 22:17
This morning we had a little bit of trouble getting up. I guess we were all a little tired from the jet lag catching up with us. It took me forever to get ready in my Lelouch, but it was worth it!!! Sami gave me these AWESOME gloves to wear with it... REAL leather that fit my hands like, well gloves! After we were ready, we went down to Edo, Jason and Scotty's room. They were finishing getting ready still in their One Piece cosplays and such.
We all walked to the convetion center after that. It was weird walking down the road in the Zero costume... let me tell you. It probably would have been easier to wear the mask than carry it all the way, but honestly, we were all getting enough looks as it was! Anyways, when we got there we went to Opening Ceremonies. The drums and all at the beginning was really neat! Almost made me feel like we were at a luah or something. Then the voice actors came up. Vic was talking to Aaron Dismukes on the phone at SakuraCon and he held up the phone for everyone to yell hi at him.
After opening ceremoies was Briana Palencia's panel. She seems very down to earth and Sami was thrilled to get to take a picture with her since she does One Piece.
Laura Bailey's panel was next. She was so full of energy. She did raps from Kodocha, lines from FMA in Lust's voice, ect. Shes so funny.
From there we ate some quick food from the food court and took random cosplay pictures. Sami changed so that we would be both in our Geass outfits. Hard to believe she whipped up that costume from scratch in such a short time!!! WAY TO GO GIRL!
After walking around the dealers room (YEA KURO POSTERS!!!!) and letting my friends take LOTS of silly pictures in my helmet, it was time for Caitlin's panel! It was nice to get to hear her speak alone since it was the first time I had been to one that was just strictly her. She loved our Ouran group. ^_^ After that panel, I was approached by a great Suzaku cosplayer. Made me REALLY anxious to go to AX and see Andrea! He was really nice and even put on my helmet. I was a little nervous handing it over, but I love the picture of him in it so I guess it worked out okay.
Travis had his panel next. He was SOOOO hyper, just as I remember from all the other times! He had the crowd really riled up during the whole thing. I think my favorite parts were him eating that sushi, talking about his injury and pondering if he were a super hero. Hes SUCH a goober. Hard to believe he was Ginko in MushiShi!!!
After his panel, Sam and I RAN back to our room. Scotty kept up with us and went back to his room to change while Sami and I scrambled to get into FORMALS in less than 15 minutes. WHEW! Jamie showed up a little later and we all helped each other in lacing and zipping up the dresses for that night. I wish I had had the time to get a picture of that!!! XD Still, when Scotty showed up, Sami and I put on our wigs and dashed out in order to make it back to the convention in time for the concert. Along the way, Scotty let us know that we had seats waiting for us a la Michele, so we were good as long as we could get inside.
Finally making it there..... BAREFOOT and carrying my heels in my hand, we climbed up the stairs to the convention and were promptly yelled at by the staff cause I wasn't wearing shoes. Lord. I put them on and they seemed to still be grumpy but still we found the line for Vic's concert and got in it. It was then the trouble with my bag started. I had a bag that contained my video camera, ball ticket and camera in it and I was told by staff that I couldn't take any sort of bag into the concert. I was PISSED. So, in my formal, I sat there and had it out with the guy, asking where in the world I was supposed to put it and what to do if someone wanted to go to BOTH events AND take photos at the ball. Yeah. The guy had no idea.
The next three to five people along the line also tried telling me I couldn't have a bag. Being frustrated over it, I just told them "Fine" and continued to move forward as the line started to go inside. When I got to the door, another person tried to stop me AGAIN. I just jerked away from them and stormed inside, calling over my shoulder that they could just talk to Vic about it and I was going in regardless. I think Scotty and Sami were surprised by me, but I was WAY too stressed to comply at that point. Jamie, Edo and Jason hadn't shown up yet! I spotted Michele when we went in and took a seat next to her upfront. Michele and I talked about how much weight I had lost... and I had to tell her it wasn't due to good stuff. She was so nice, sharing stories with me and such until they dimmed the lights.
The concert started and still none of the other group was there. They wound up missing Vic singing his Tamaki song and I hated that. I knew they would have really loved it. Sami and I were thrilled to get to see FullMetal Fantasy though and Scotty appeared to be having a blast too.
After the concert, we walked with Vic and Michele to their autograph area. We met Jason and Edo out there and they agreed to stay and help if we wanted to go to the ball. WELL.... when we finally tried to go to the ball, we were told that even though we had prereg tickets, they were no good and we couldn't get in. I was FURIOUS! Not that I really cared about the ball, but in the principle of the matter. We had bought tickets, and now they had sold OTHER tickets to people and let them in instead of us. -_- I asked the guy at the door why that was and he backpaddled a little, saying that they figured after an hour we weren't going to show and so they gave our spots away. Me? I'm thinking.... I had a spot RESERVED that I PAID for.... like hell I'm just not going to show! Thats why I had a ticket reserved in the first place! The only thing he said he could do for us was give us a refund.
Jamie had shown up and heard my confrontation with the doorman and started getting upset. I was even MORE mad now, because they were making my friends upset. I went over to Michele and slumped down, telling her the ball was a no go. After talking to Vic for a minute, they made some calls and all of a sudden... there were more spots available! >_> So Sami, Jamie and I go into the ball. WHAT A JOKE! It was a TINY room with nasty punch, a two couple dance floor and crappy music. I was in there literally, maybe a minute before I walked out. I brought Michele and Scotty some punch and asked they what they thought of it. They both said it was gross and tossed it out. So much for that.
But the autographs were right outside the room for the Butishake, so Jamie, Sami and I wound up dancing there instead. Scotty hung back and danced a little near the door watching us girl hike up our ball gowns and get down to the Japanese remixes. lol. Edo stayed with Michele and Jason helped selling CDs. After all that, we went back to the hotel and I think everyone crashed. We were so tired and our feet hurt, so it was good.
Tomorrow.... lets hope for LESS drama!