Jun 30, 2004 22:29
This is public because all Canadians should read it.
You know, all you fuckers writing into our newspapers, telling us we're stupid because we voted Liberals. But what I have to say, specially after the nice Albertians warning us about Stephen Harper is....
YOU ALBERTIANS ARE STUPID MOTHER FUCKERS! That's right. You are. Why? Because you all warned us about him, then yet you vote for him. Does this make sense? He tried to ruin you before. Yet, you vote in again.
So I'm FUCKING happy Liberals won. Because the devil you know is better than the devil you don't!
And all you complaining about the Liberals, well you know, like above the devil you know is better than the devil you don't.
Politics are nothing but a bunch of lying fuckers.
NDP - Good ideas, I'll tell you that, but where the hell is the money coming from?
Green Party - Why do you even exist? You aren't ever going to win. You're existence is pretty much meaningless.
Bloc Quebecois - You haven't gotten anything that is going to aid me, and mainly all you're for is the seperation of Quebec from Canada.
This is my opinion. This is my opinion.
Mr. Harper, I hate you. I think you're a total loser, and I'll never forget your words towards us. When you die, I hope you suffer a lot of pain, because you are a good for nothing loser. And quite frankly, I would've doubted Canada if they had've voted you in.