Jan 24, 2007 23:24
Should be cleaning. So bored of that.
Who's Who shall be presented and Hall of Fame announced on Friday. Am I nervous? Only because a few people have suggested that I have a shot. Do I really have one? Nope. Why? Because I can think of enough people with a better shot (and who deserve it more) than I. Maybe they're just being nice, but it did get my hopes up until I thought it through. Now it's an uh-uh/no-way. But I am excited that my parents are coming up anyway, and I'm so proud of all our friends being named to Who's Who.
It's been a great semester so far. Minus the Saints loss, but they played for the NFC championship, so that's big.
I've eaten so much junk food today. That's totally disgusting.
Thank Jesus that my electric blanket didn't start a house fire today. I left it on all day.
Definitely out of coat-hangers. Anyone want some clothes? Seriously. Realize before you say "yes," that I have no sense of style.
My room is totally covered wall to wall, and all over the shelves with pictures. I love them. And they make me think of what wonderful friends I have. It's crazy that this chapter of the book of life is nearing the end. Scary. Sad. But exciting, too. Don't mind leaving Oxford, but my friends, yes. Very much mind that.
Kathleen's friend is Fred's niece. Of Cowboy Mouth. I find that pretty cool.
Time for more cleaning. Hasta.
Totally plan to be at work in 8.5 hours. I like 8 hours of sleep and 2 hours of wake up/get ready time. This doesn't work.