Jan 13, 2007 03:31
In Costa Rica. Woke up 23 hours and 29 minutes ago. Taxi will be here to pick me up (in San Jose...spent the past three weeks at the beach in Quepos/Manuel Antonio) in 29 minutes. I´ve never stayed up this long in my life, I don´t think. I´ve pulled all'nighters...but I did wake up at 4am this morning and shall be up until I arrive home at 3:30 because I have THREE flights that are each too short to sleep. San Jose to San Salvador (El Salvador, duh) to Dallas (Texas, duh) where I´ll have to deplane and make it through customs and back on the next plan in an hour and fifteen minutes exactly. Then onto NOLA where the Saints shall be playing. = much traffic. But a good ride home radio-wise. Excited.
Super excited to see the fam. Facebook-stalked my brother. Miss him. So proud of that boy.
CR was lots of fun. Want to do it again. Learned much Spanish. Feel totally comfortable with being able to get around/shop around/do whatev solo in Spanish now. Just have a difficult time understanding the speakers. Was complimented on my Spanish accent. Yay. Took much spitting in my 10 4-hour classes to really work that, but I was proud to get the compliment.
Toasted graduation with a 10% alcohol by volume ¨soda.¨ Totally gross.
CR beer (Pilsen and Imperial) is no Coors Light.
Mi madre Tica is no American chef. She´s a freakin´ food artist. The woman is an amazing cocinera. Gonna miss some arroz con camarones for sure.
¡Rasta pasta!