The joys of Children....(or why I sometimes wish I was single lol)

Mar 11, 2009 08:18

Want to know a typical morning at my house when Phill is working?? Strap yourself in....this could get bumpy.

6am: Alarm goes off, Phill climbs out of bed, is dressed and out the door within 20 mins. I discover my back is out as always, only slightly moreso today, than yesterday. I hope pain killers can ease this for me.

6.30am: I turn on the tv to watch the morning current affairs/news program and fire up the laptop to check my emails. Sam has slept on the couch all night, because apparently she had a major headache and couldn't sleep, even after two Nurofen. Falls asleep watching tv instead.

7.30am: I go to wake Caitlin up for she is not in *her* bed...but her sister's room. Musical bedrooms seems to be a favorite game ever since they shifted rooms. A few more grey hairs are created on my head.

7.45am: Argument ensues over the lack of breakfast bowls, because my children have a habit of hiding bowls to escape washing them. Another argument quickly follows over Caitlin having slept in Sam's room last which Caitlin's reply is "Well Sam threw bowls out the back window last night."
 When asked what that has to do with sleeping in San's room, why she's trying to get her sister in trouble and how that would solve anything? Her response? To storm out the front door in her pyjamas, knowing I'm chair bound until my painkillers have kicked in. Sam gives chase instead.

8.14am: Both return at last, Sam having chased her sister all over the neighbourhood. Caitlin then sulks in chair for 5 mins, knowing she's in trouble. After several mins of talking and demanding she get her arse into gear before she's late for school and my foot ends up giving her a swift kick in the rear....she finally does as she is told.

8.34am: Caitlin is out the door. Sam is still dragging her heels in getting ready (as she does every morning)

8.38am. Sam is trying to find shoes. Not sensible shoes, not the sneakers she was bought for school. But anything else with heels apparently. My children could rival Imelda Marcus with the amount of shoes they have been bought in the past few months. But when it comes to finding said shoes for school? They never remember where they are.

8.41am. Sam is out the door....wearing my sneakers.

Throughout this whole debacle...Connor has sat quietly, eaten his breakfast and watched TV without saying a word.

I'm still trying to have my first coffee for the day, let alone breakfast. This is seriously the way things go anytime Phill is at work. I sometimes wonder if I run a lunatic asylum. LOL One of these days I'll get my padded cell. They just better give me a tv inside one of those cages with SPN playing 24/7.
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