Another Chance. For gr8muppetyodin

Nov 30, 2009 06:47

[Follows this thread.]

Angel was nervous. If the lobby floor of the Hyperion had been carpet, he would have worn a groove into it. As it was, the decades-old tile was in serious jeopardy of losing its shine and color.

He'd spoken to Buffy. )

3rd-person pov, verse: done baking, person: gr8muppetyodin, role-play, who: angel & buffy

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gr8muppetyodin November 30 2009, 20:28:08 UTC
Buffy had had no idea what to wear. Did she just dress normally? But maybe that was too casual. Only if she wore certain tops did that make her too slutty? She'd spent far too long in what little space she'd claimed as a bedroom contemplating her wardrobe choices. Then there was the whole packing an overnight bag. Did she even have to pack one? Should she pack one? Was that too presumptuous ( ... )


angelusliam November 30 2009, 23:27:13 UTC
He'd decided to go for a swim. Work off some of his excess energy and nerves. Normally, he'd go out and find some demon to kill, but since he didn't know when Buffy would arrive, he didn't want to leave the hotel ( ... )


gr8muppetyodin December 1 2009, 08:48:21 UTC
Buffy was suddenly glad of her wardrobe choice. In her wisdom she'd forgone tight jeans, or leather pants - anything that might have hindered the removal of clothing, and gone with a pair of grey slacks, and a blouse. It was as girly as she got these days, her intense Slaying schedule meaning skirts and dresses rarely got an airing. Not like when she'd been at school ( ... )


angelusliam December 1 2009, 14:24:09 UTC
Buffy came to him, and kissed him, and it was perfect. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her forward and against him, where she still fit perfectly. He cupped the back of her head, and just let himself enjoy holding her again.

When the kiss ended, Angel only loosened his arms around her, but didn't let go completely. He wasn't sure he'd be able to, now that she was here.

He licked his lips and gave her a soft smile. "Hi," he couldn't resist saying, although it seemed a little unnecessary after that kiss.

"I didn't know cookies tasted that good." Good Lord, had he actually said that?


gr8muppetyodin December 1 2009, 21:06:00 UTC
"Hi," Buffy replied with a smile that matched his as she looked up at him. She didn't pull back, didn't want to leave his arms ever again. She wasn't even sure how she'd managed to last so long without Angel, but she had. And maybe it really was just so she could be cookies and have this moment.

Her nose crinkled as she laughed, and she kissed him lightly. "It's the real butter. Makes all the difference."

Buffy stroked her fingers fingers against his cheek, still grinning a little at his cookies comment. "The permanent soul really suits you. Brings out your eyes."


angelusliam December 1 2009, 23:46:38 UTC
Angel smiled at her rejoinder. He'd missed this, this easy banter between them. They hadn't had this even that last year before he'd left. The wounds Angelus had made had still been too fresh, for both of them. Now, he remembered what it had felt like before her birthday.

"Yeah?" he asked in response to her soul comment. "I thought it might clash with my outfit." He couldn't help grinning, then.

He pulled Buffy into a hug, and after a moment, lifted her off her feet and spun her around. When he set her down, he kissed her again, then whispered, "Wanna celebrate?"


gr8muppetyodin December 2 2009, 20:20:58 UTC
Buffy tugged on the collar of his shirt playfully, and gave a shake of her head. "Nah, you're too smooth for tht. You can carry it off. No clashing hair. Also digging the wet hair look. Very nice."

She'd missed this, too. It felt like a weight was lifted. There was no Hellmouth to worry about. At least not in LA. There wasn't the ghosts of what Angelus had done. No college, nothing in their way.

Her arms tightened around him and she laughed again. "Hey, no, this isn't the Mr Broody I remember. Are you sure you're really Angel? I don't remember you ever being this happy before. And do I want to celebrate? Well, duh! Because we are talking celebrating with you, right? Not about to pass me off to someone else?"


angelusliam December 2 2009, 22:16:06 UTC
Angel ran his hand through his still-damp hair slightly self-consciously. "Oh, yeah. I didn't have a chance to--" he stopped himself from saying do anything with it, not wanting to sound completely girly, "--dry it, after my swim ( ... )


gr8muppetyodin December 5 2009, 00:52:12 UTC
"Swim?" Buffy looked at him, a slow smirk feeling. "You know, you really didn't need to get dressed on my account either. Been a long time... if ever... since I've seen you dripping wet and barely dressed."

Buffy had looped her arms around his neck once the small moment of shock was over. She did know what they were here for. There'd been a small discussion, and an agreement and they knew what the celebrating was supposed to be, but Buffy was still allowed to be a little nervous.

She smiled at him, and nodded. "Hey, not arguing over the whole being swept off my feet thing. Really, really not. You always were a gentleman."


angelusliam December 5 2009, 01:53:16 UTC
The only time he could remember ever getting wet around her... had been her birthday. He tried to think only about the beginning of that night, and not how it had ultimately ended. Maybe now, they could rewrite the ending, the way it should have gone.

Angel was pretty sure they had a different definition of 'gentleman,' but he knew what she meant. He kissed her, slow and tender. Then, he headed up the stairs to the balcony, toward his room.

When he'd returned to the hotel this time, he'd chosen a room close to the staircase, so he could easily see if anyone entered the lobby. Now, it was a quick trip there. Almost before he realized it, he was standing in front of his bed, Buffy still in his arms.

He didn't have a heartbeat to betray just how nervous he was. He let go of Buffy's legs, letting her slide down his body until her feet touched the floor. "Here we are," he said, his voice sounding hoarse with emotion.

He reached up and gently smoothed his hand over her temple and hair, before leaning down and kissing her.


gr8muppetyodin December 5 2009, 02:58:13 UTC
Memories of her birthday all those years ago started to trickle through Buffy's mind, and she fought hard to block them out. Everything about that night had been perfect. It was the morning after that had beyond sucked. Epic suckage, even.

Sometimes she still wondered if it had happened because she just hadn't been ready. Perfect happiness, or not, she'd been young. And now she had to wonder how her and Angel would be now. Now they were both a little older, and she'd gained experience since then.

The hotel suited Angel. It was also a lot roomier than his apartment in Sunnydale. Nothing was like it had been back then, other than the fact it was her and Angel together again.

Buffy kissed him back deeply, trying to let him know just how much she really had missed him over the years, and just how much she still loved him. No matter what, it always came back to him. "I like here," she said breathlessly. "Here is good."


angelusliam December 5 2009, 07:38:28 UTC
Angel nodded. "Okay. Here, it is..." He kissed her, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her against him. What started out as a slow, tender kiss quickly heated up.

He could never get enough of her, but he wanted to take this slow. This was important, to both of them, just as important as their first time together, maybe moreso.

The hand he had wrapped around her waist, Angel slipped under her shirt. Her skin was hot against his, and he wanted more. He wanted to feel that heat, be consumed by it. He pulled away from Buffy just long enough to pull her top off.

He kissed her, again, and again. "I love you... I never stopped," he murmured to her.


gr8muppetyodin December 13 2009, 01:18:26 UTC
Buffy had this feeling like she should have felt self-conscious with her top off, but this was Angel. He'd seen her at her worse, and he'd seen her at her best. He'd seen all the colours of the Buffy rainbow, and he was still standing there wanting her.

She started to unbutton his shirt, his cool skin never something that bothered her. Just like when she never used to see his vampire face as anything to be scared of, or to hate. It was all just Angel.

Her fingers tugged at the hair at the nape of his neck and she smiled against his lips. "Me neither. I mean, I love you. Always."


angelusliam December 13 2009, 01:57:15 UTC
Angel nodded. "Always," he murmured, between increasingly fevered kisses.

Buffy had managed to unbutton his shirt, and he helped her slide it off his shoulders, tossing it on the floor by the bed in an uncaring heap.

He paused for a moment, and just looked at her. Here she was, standing in front of him, and still he almost couldn't believe it. A part of him was afraid he'd wake up in the morning alone, all of this having been a dream.

If this was a dream, he was damn sure gonna make it worth it, Angel decided. He turned and sat on the side of the bed, drawing Buffy between his knees. He trailed his hands and lips over her chest, savoring the taste of her. The freedom of knowing that it didn't have to end here.

His hands caressed down her stomach, before toying with the top of her slacks.


gr8muppetyodin December 13 2009, 02:18:16 UTC
Buffy pushed her fingers through his damp hair before she cupped his face between her hands and leaned in to kiss him. She could still remember how he felt, but Buffy felt the need to re-catalogue, to get to know him features all over again.

She kissed just under his eye and pulled back just as she started to laugh when a random thought popped into her head. "I realise I risk probably ruining the moment here, but will you still love me even when I wear granny pants?"


angelusliam December 13 2009, 04:09:32 UTC
Buffy started to laugh, and Angel closed his eyes for a moment after her question. "Will I..?" He bit the inside of his lip, trying not to smile at her ridiculous question, with only marginal success ( ... )


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