Dear Mun:
Don't worry about not writing with me for so long. Yeah, I've been kinda quiet lately, but you know I haven't abandoned you. I mean, come on; you know me. I'm quiet. I brood (yes, I will admit, sometimes I brood). I haven't really been brooding lately though, and you know that. Just sitting quietly, out of the way, thinking. Contemplating. I know you're really enjoying having your Buffy voice back (despite what you keep complaining to other people about, I know you enjoy all her weird antics and "bouncy-ness.")
I'll come back when I feel like it, or when I have something I want to say. You know I'm ready for when that comm gets off the ground. If you really want to write me every now and then, you could always go looking for a prompt to write a short little story to. But Buffy does tend to hog everything, doesn't she. And if not her, even Angelus has been more outspoken than me lately, hasn't he?
Maybe, to get back in the mood of writing for me, you could go through all my icons and upload more? Since you bought that extra space, I am assuming you're gonna use it, right?
So, just put that niggling little doubt out of the corner of your head. I'm still here. Like you could get rid of me, really.
Tell Buffy I love her, and miss her, but I understand that she's busy now, too. We'll get together eventually, and until then, I'll be here. Contemplating. Quietly watching and absorbing what all my friends are doing. Just 'cause I don't say something, doesn't mean I don't know what's going on. I'm just... lurking. I'm kinda known for it, y'know.
link to comm dear_mun]