Mother's Day is coming up soon.

Apr 01, 2010 10:09

Verse: Family Ties
So VERY locked from the_golden_girl

I've found the perfect gift for Buffy, for Mother's Day. Hopefully, she's not sick of me buying her jewelry, not only for this, but every other holiday/anniversary. I'm horrible at buying gifts, but I know jewelry, I was raised that jewelry was something you gave the woman you love. What else am I gonna buy her, shoes? Clothes? She buys more than enough of that for herself as it is. And then shoves more than half of it in my part of the closet, when it won't fit in hers.


Don't even ask me how I found this, I just did. Browser surfing, or, internet browsing-- whatever you call it. You'd think I'd know after so long, but they keep changing the terminology on me.

Anyway, I thought I'd get this for her. We know when the twins will be born, roughly enough that I can have their birthstones set. Except, they aren't due until near the end of July, which is far past Mother's Day. But, I figured I could have their birthstones set (across from each other at the bottom), and then take it to an engraver later, when we know the sexes/have FINALLY decided on names for them, and have them put the names in then.

I hope it's a good idea, anyway. I know, I should probably just buy her a pendant or ring with the birthstones and no names, but... I thought she'd like this. I saw it, and thought of her, right away. So, there you go.

verse: family ties, what: holiday: mother's day, person: the_golden_girl (locked from), who: angel & buffy

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