This Post Okay! So, here's the sitch: Looks like a whole bunch of people are willing (dare I even say, excited?) at starting this. So, still a couple things to work out before getting started.
Thinking on it, I think it would be easier to make a community for this, so every post is gathered into one spot, & people don't have to go back and forth between everyone's private journals.
Cordy's mun suggested we have a group chat before starting anything, just to hash out any potential problems, time constraints, plot points, what-have-you.
In order to set up a group chat on AIM, I need to know people's screennames. If I haven't talked to you before on AIM, please reply to this post with your screenname, and any questions or suggestions. I will screen the comments for this post, in case you don't want your screenname to be public.
Oh! And also, if you could give me your general availability schedule in the comment, so I can try and figure out the best time to set up a group chat.
Thank you SO much!!