
Jun 02, 2005 00:00

Gah. Just came back from the Cheesecake Factory. Got some awesome chicken madeira and tiramisu (to go). So very full. ~_~

To recap the last last week...

Sunday was the magic prerelease for Saviors. I was expecting a larger turnout, but since it was changed to Sunday, most people went to the Saturday tourney in LA. It was still pretty fun. I saw James there and sucked all the luck out of him. He hurt in his flight. I think I was in the fifth flight...I met some nice people. First match, I totally raped the guy. I shouldn't even consider that a real match. Second match, I won pretty easily, too. By the third match, I had gone 2-0 and 2-0. This got me paired up with the other best person in the flight. Unfortunately, he got lucky since I got mana screwed (screwed in the sense that I had toooooo much mana). I went 0-2. :( ::sigh:: I don't feel too bad, though, since he and I had the best record up to that point. I wish I had at least won one game against him. Oh, well. ^_^ The last match wasn't too easy, but I still went 2-0. It was funny because I was running Konda and the white and blue Maros in my deck. I think in every match I had, I pulled all three of them at least once. All of my opponents were like, "wow." The last guy saw my white Maro first, then my blue one. He was pretty impressed. Then I pulled my Konda out, and he was like, "oh, and you have a Konda...." It was fun raping everybody with those three cards. :) yay

Now I tired. Need to play guild wars. Night. ~_O
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