I've developed a bad habit...

Sep 09, 2005 18:28

So...where to begin? I guess th'best place would be by doin' some quick updates and elaboratin' on 'em....

-I don't know what th'last thing was i said 'bout my search for a place...but in case i didn't say, i had actually found 2 efficiencies t'choose from...one was in Belville (where i am now) and was for 600 a month (including everything)....the other was 450 a month (also including all) but was real small (so small that by law i couldn't have any overnight guests), and was a 30 minute road trip from work (not counting traffic)....but i got a break in that respect...one of th'mechanics at th'plant's father is renting out a 3-bedroom trailer for 350 a month...translation: even with a power and water bill, i'd come out cheaper than that 600 a month efficiency....sounds too good t'be true, right? not quite...cuz y'see, i'm not lovin' th'idea of havin' a 3 room trailer all to m'self....i just really don't need that much room...and everybody i talked to 'bout it said th'same thing: "get a roomate!"....so i took 'em up on that, and called an old friend in SC..askin' him if he'd like to move up here if i could get a place...he seemed all for it (granted i think it was just t'get out from under Nana's roof (:p)...so that part's solved...plus th'fact that i'll have a 3rd room handy if somebody should ever want to come up and visit me (HINT-BLOODY-HINT!!!) Stay tuned for further details on that one...

-I've still been doin' my weekly (when i have th'right days/nights off) ritual of goin' to th'bar, Charlie Brownz...that karaoke place i've told a couple folks about...newayz, i've met a couple girls there...Lil' Miss, and a new one that i'm callin' Dee-El...th'interesting thing about both of 'em is they're both older than me (Lil' Miss=28, Dee-El=27), but where as Lil' Miss can't dance to save her life, Dee-El can DEFINATELY dance...anybody that's really seen me on a dancefloor knows how into it i can get...and this girl not only kept up with me, but i had to step my game up even further to make sure she didn't upstage me...and every time i got just a lil' more into it and basically was doin' a clothed porno, she kept right on comin' with that smile that never left...we've gone through 2 weeks straight of this...and both times i tell her "if i was a smoker, i'd need a pack right about now" (if y'want a description, ask archie)....newayz...that's when Dee-El dropped a bombshell on me....

she's married


i don't think this would be quite so bad if it wasn't becomin' a pattern...Dee-El now makes the 3rd married woman that i have a habit of flirting with...

First of all there's one that i'm gonna call "Lois" (not her real name, a tv refference)...her and i have been flirtin' since i was with Nimue, and she wans't married at th'time...th'marriage thing is a recent development...she was one of my biggest voices against the me/Star pairing...saying that she feels that if i married Star, i'd be settling and i'm "too good a guy to settle" (her words, not mine)...newayz, she 24 (i think) and says that she isn't happy with her decision but "unfortunately, it's harder to get out of a marriage than into one"...she's also stickin' to her comments of "when you and me finally get th'chance, you're gonna be in trouble"....and we still refer to each other as "Sexy" (her to me....i don't get it), and "Sexy Lady" (me to her)...but i've already filed this into the "would be nice (she's really hot), but not gonna happen" category...

Then there's a buddy of mine who's also married...me and this bud have known each other for years, and she's one of th'few female friends i have that i've never had a crush on...which is nothing against her, she is beautiful, but we just got so comfortable in th'bud role so quick i've never wanted to change that...her and i pick on each other back and forth nowadays which could probably be interpreted as flirting, but she's completely safe, i'm not flirtin' with her, i'm just pickin' on her...

and now we got Dee-El...*sigh*...everybody's tellin' me i need to get over Star, but i don't think this is what they had in mind....and don't get me wrong th'bud's beautiful in a "this is th'kinda girl i could actually be with" way, and the other two are completely hot in the "i wanna pound 'em both like a caveman" way, but every damn one of 'em are taken...and we all know i'm not th'kinda guy that usually does anything to change that situation...bloody hell, why can't i just attract women that i actually HAVE a shot with? why do i gotta just attract th'taken ones.....*sigh*

-Just a lil' trip inside my head...hope you enjoyed the ride...
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