more randomness

Mar 15, 2006 04:25

Vampire Goth: You enjoy being a mystery to others;

you may or may not be living dead.

What Type of Goth Are You
brought to you by Quizilla

Thats a me thing

You are a Were! Perhaps one of the most confusing

and unknown races of creatures, the Were race

is infamous for having three alternate forms:

the standard default form similar to a being,

a human form, and an animal form. A Were is

able to shift between each form at their

leisure though many rumours fly around about

full moons. However little is known about the

Were race since they are often the most

difficult to detect. The Were race is also

the race most likely to be intermingled with

beings as many a Were prefers to keep their

creature heritage a secret.

Most non-hiding Weres are often aggressive and

territorial, sticking to large clans and

usually forming tribal groups hidden away

from normal societies. Being a Were is a

genetic trait, and being bitten by a Were

will more likely result in stitches than

anything, much less 'turning into one'. It is

suspected Weres started the myth in order to

keep nosy groups away from their personal


A Were is often a highly decent spellcaster

although their magic is less controlled than

the other races. However in their primal form

(ie: full animal) they seem to be highly

potent and are able to command a dazzling

array of spells that wouldn't be possible in

their natural form. In inverse, their human

form seems to be the negation of magic to the

point that all magic cast upon a were in

their human form becomes null. This makes the

Were race highly dangerous since they have

the ability to be immune to both the magical

skills of even the Fae, and then quickly come

back with a powerful arsenal of spells

themselves. It makes it all-together worse

that Weres prefer to hide amongst beings and

many a Creature race made the mistake of

attacking a crowd that contained a highly

irritable and territorial Were.

Because of their skills, most other races of

Creatures are wary or even a few despise the

Were...which might be why many prefer to keep

their true selves hidden.

History: The Were race is nearly devoid of most

historic events, most likely due to their

decision to remain in the background or among

beings. Any real historic events were caused

from a Creature mistaking a Were for a being.

To this date there isn't even a Were on the

Creature-Being council.

Strengths: In human form, a Were is immune to magic

and any spells would simply dissapate around

them. In normal form they usually have

heightened senses that set them apart from

regular beings as well as good spell control.

In primal form they gain traits similar to

their animal (thus a rabbit-Were would be

very small and hard to hit as is) plus an

increased ability in magic.

Weaknesses: While immune to magic in human form,

this also counts for healing magics and does

not count the area around affected by magic.

(As such, a magical ice spell can leave a

Were unharmed, yet freeze the ground nearby

with normal ice after a few minutes). Most

Weres are generally being-like in their

defenses thus can be killed by any standard


What Mystical Race are You? (unexpected results, with pictures! :D)
brought to you by Quizilla

Apparently thats a me thing as well



Which Shin Megami Tensei Digital Devil Saga character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

And me yet again
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