Congratsu, Pattu. :D :D :D Though... Omega's the easy one.. ::blink:: That's the I could actually do without a problem. Mou. Granted, Emerald wasn't so bad either.. mmm. ♥ But it is teh awesome that you are on such a wonderful killing spree. XD Gambatte!
yesyes. I beat that one. Can of cake, piece of corn.. something like that. Run the bell, run back, fight de monster.. Only problem was that spiffy spot on your menu saying you beat him SO wasn't worth the effort. :D Never beat Ozma.. And that one in the underwater research center? murrrrrrrr.
I think, by the time I took out Omega, I could've gone BACK and taken out Ultima, but I didn't want to put the effort into it. Or maybe I'm having memory lapses and DID take--....right, I think my brother took out Ultima for me, and I took out Omega, on my save file. I just know 100% that I was the one to take out Omega. Teehee.
I have yet to beat him,a dn then get back up to Ozma in FFIX
As for OZMA, I've been looking into him, HE'S ONE TOUGH SON OF A BITCH
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