Okay, I just came across this lovely little video posted on someone's blog, and about died laughing while watching it. I just had to post it so you guys could LOL too. Check it out! LOL
Click to view
OMG how I love this man. He's so dorky, and funny. I'm sorry, I know that a lot of people don't see the attraction of RP, but how can you not like someone who's willing to be himself? Who let's us all know that he's just really a big dork, and is okay with that? He's not trying to be something he's not, and I find that very incredibily sexy. Plus, you know, the face, the hair (whether it's long or short, he's sex!hair!!), the intellect (cuz he is actually smart).... he's just Teh Sex! LOL
Well, that's it. Nothing too important to say today. First day back to work was boring as hell. Hate sitting in frikkin meetings all day long. It's hard to do when you're used to being up and running all over the place, let alone after having two weeks off, where you could do whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted. *sigh* Oh well, kids are back tomorrow, should be lively then. LOL
Love and *HUGS* to the Flist!