Mar 15, 2004 17:50
Yeah, I think I'm finally feeling the effects of the hustle-bustle of spring break, getting only 3.5 hours of sleep Saturday night, and then moving back yesterday - and then getting 8.5 hours of sleep last night. It almost feels like a sleep hangover. I took a nap for a couple hours, but I still feel really groggy. And just when I'd planned to set aside this evening for writing. >< Ah well, I just took some Aleve, so hopefully that'll get rid of this muzzy headache I have, lol. I will write tonight, dammit!
Tomorrow night's gonna be fun - I have my first rehearsal from 7:45-9:00pm, and it's just gonna be for the villagers and policeman. ^^ Can't wait to see what they have planned for us. I even ran into Arce (my Spanish prof last semester) earlier today, and he was extremely pleased to have heard that I'm in the play. Whee!
I'm still proud of myself - yesterday I not only wrote, but I managed to draw and color a very cute picture for Steph inside of a few hours. Something I have not done before. I rock, lol.