Cannot keep your part of the deal, don't say a word

Jun 05, 2013 11:27

Oh for the love of God, meddling people, seriously, URGH.

In other words, Alex came home yesterday, all upset, and asked if I'd said to anyone that we were breaking up and that he'd really appreciate it if I broke the news to him before everyone else. Someone - in fact, several someones - have apparently been asking him how we're doing and if we're still together etc, probably more but he wasn't in a sharing mood and refused to tell me who it was (which I kind of understand but will make me ridiculously paranoid). I was, naturally, completely caught off-guard. I have been talking about our relationship to a lot of people lately, probably more than I should have (apparently alcohol makes me spill my guts these days, which is both better and worse than making me angsty and irritable, and there was way too much free booze available at my workplace's spring party...), but I've only told them that we've had a rough spring but we're doing much better now, even though there are still tough days.

So somehow, someone's gotten the impression that we're breaking up, and thus Alex got the impression that I was leaving him, which is so untrue it's nowhere near funny, because I'm actually not the one in this relationship who has admitted to the other one's face that they've considered giving up and breaking up with me more than once when things were tough. In fact, I have never, even when I've been super mad at him, considered breaking up - at most, I've wondered what I'd do if he left me, which I still fear sometimes. A lot, okay, because I have mostly unfounded abandonment and self-confidence issues and it's only ever cool in fan fiction.

I tried to explain this to him and I think I got through, and at any rate everything seemed to go back to normal during the course of the evening, so I think we're okay on that front, but man, am I royally pissed off! Here I was, finally getting better at being more open and sharing my personal life with people I consider my friends, and someone goes behind my back like this? I guess I'll just go back to the mute policy, then. Really, the only ones I'm pretty sure didn't tattle on my relationship whining are my best friend ('cause she's awesome like that and always takes my side, thank God) and you people on my flist because a) maybe one or two of you even read my journal these days, and b) none of your actually know him... as far as I know, at least.


On a completely different and Supernatural-related note, can anyone help me figure out what year it is in the show...? I'm pretty sure I heard Abaddon say 2013, which leaves me kind of baffled about the one-year-separations between seasons 5 and 6 and then 7 and 8, because when did those happen, then?

bitching, alex, relationships, really?

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