May 13, 2006 00:04
scratch the me feeling better.
i feel better in all areas, except my bottom RIGHT tooth.
its still throbbing, has some weird taste coming from it,my ear hurts and it just plain hurts.
i tried calling my oral surgeon again.
but i cant get ahold of him.
it may be dry socket?
it may be an infection of the jaw/bone.
it may be nothing and its just having trouble healing.
im just so overly frusterated.
atleast all my other extraction areas feel better.
i have a cavity, right by the lower right extraction site, i wonder if thats causing it some problems?????
i want my oral surgeon to fix me and fix me now and for forever.
but this pain is driving me mad, i'm so unhappy, so bitter and i havent done anything fun in the past 10 days.
its taking a toll on me and those close to me (ie my boyfriend)
i dunno how much longer i can go on with this stupid pain in my mouth.
it hurts it hurts it hurts.
fuck i know better than this.
i learned how to make pain go away, yet i revert back to my baby ways.
i dunno.
all i want right now is to be in bed next to my boyfriend curling up on his chest.
instead im at home in pain on lj.
im crying now.
thats awesome.