Dec 12, 2002 16:27
Mmk...first of all everyone comes to a point in life where they are in denial...and thats the only thing i can come up with right wasn't all my fuckin fault why didnt u keep ur fuckin dick in ur pants huh? why didnt u use a condom? sometimes i wonder why i get the blame for all of this u were in the wrong too so fuck u and why dont u tell everyone about the shit u gave me? huh? quit blamin me on ur fuckin problems...ANyway I'm tired of people's bullshit ...i'm just going to exist.... i'm with someone i love now...and he knows what i could possibly have..i told him the truth...he's fuckin awesome..he's a good vocalist too ;) Otter and i broke up.... he tried to kill was a buncha drama..i'm not goin to the emerson for awhile all it is is little kids and drama...and groupies......i'm starting to hang out with more mature people...and fun..Not the same old DEPRESSING bitches....I'm starting to feel like life is actually worth living gettin an apartment really soon and everythings turning out well...i love the way things are going for me right now....i just hope it can stay that way