I'm not okay (I promise)

Nov 28, 2006 17:16

Well, my car has officially died. It decided to commit Harri-kari (suicide) last night and hydro-planed into another car. It scared me, especially when the air bag came out, and then when I got out of the car the woman wasn't moving. She's alright though, she wasn't wearing a seat belt and hit her face a bit on the steering wheel. No harm caused to her or her vehicle. My vehicle however got the front end smashed it. The battery is smashed, the headlights, the radiator. My father seems to think he can fix it and I might move back home and get another job so I can pay for my car and help fix it on my days off. I hope he's right because I still need that car to get to Arizona. Mean while I was afraid to drive today so I had my father drive me to school this morning, and my mother's going to pick me up after the CAAP test. Also, they are going to lend me the car I used to drive when I lived at home so I can get around until the other is fixed.

Mean while Wal-mart (bless their bloody hearts), wouldn't give me the day off on friday so I'm calling in "sick" and going to volunteer at the animal rescue league for class credit anyway. I'm really getting sick of Wal-mart's shit! They can just go shove it for all I care. For christ sake, they made me stay at work the other day after I'd thrown up because for the love of god... they "needed" me because I was the only one there scheduled that knew how to close down the photo lab. >_< I might just quit and find another job.
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