(no subject)

Sep 19, 2005 16:11

What's your name? Amanda

Are you named after anyone? Some actress from some western show...my dad never heard the name "Amanda" before and he liked it and figured it would be uncommon...yea right. Cuz the three of us aren't named Amanda...

What's your screename? If you're reading this, you should know it.

Would you name a child of yours after you? I don't think so...too many Amanda's running around already. Anyway, I plan on naming my kid (at least her middle name) after my grandmother-Josephine. Not that great of a name, but that's why it's a middle name, and I loved my grandmother more than life itself.

If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be? I would probably be a James, after my dad and grandfather.

If you could switch names with a friend who would it be? I like when Kathy's family calls her Kasia...I like Kasia.

Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly? Not my first name, my last one definately.

Would you drop your last name if you became famous? No.


Your gender: female

Straight/Gay/Bi: Straight as an arrow

Single? Unfortunately

If not, do you want to be? I hate being single.

Birthdate: November 27th

Your age: 19

Age you act: Most of the time I act either my age or older, unless I'm babysitting in which case I act like a four year old.

Age you wish you were: 28

Your height: 5'6

Eye color: Hazel

Happy with it: Yea, except I'm pissed my brother got awesome blue eyes and I didn't. Not fair. My brother got all the good genes. Jerk.

Hair color: It's still kinda dark brown, but fading. Kathy needs to come down to fix it for me.

Happy with it? I liked the dark.

Lefty/righty/ambidextrous: righty

Your living arrangement: With Amanda, and the Courtneys.

Your family: Mom-Theresa, Dad-James, Brother-David, Adopted siblings-Corey and Kathy (lol!)

Have any pets? I don't have any here, but at home I have Boomer, the birds, and Rainbow Sunshine Fish who lives with Kathy now.

Whats your job? Unemployed.

Piercings: The standard ear piercings and my industrial.

Tattoos: None...never have, never will.

Obsessions: I have a lot.

Addictions: Umm...yea.

Do you speak another language? I know two or three polish phrases, some spanish, and im workin' on latin.

Have a favorite quote? "Why can't you just forgive me/I don't want to relive all the mistakes I've made along the way/If you chose to walk away/I would be right here waiting." -Staind. Current fav at the moment. Fits my life and situation perfectly.

Do you have a webpage? I have this, a myspace, and a xanga that I don't use. I used to have a really cool website but not anymore.

Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it: I think that I complicate my life way more then I need to. I discussed this with Lee last night, that I have way to much drama in my life. But I don't really go looking for it, it just always sort of seems to show up.

Do you live in the moment? I live in the past.

Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? Most of the time.

Do you have any secrets? Yes.

Do you hate yourself? I don't really hate myself so much as I hate some of the things I've done.

Do you like your handwriting? Yes I do. It's real pretty and girly.

Do you have any bad habits? I have several, yes.

What is the compliment you get from most people? Look wise I'm told I have really nice eyes. Personality wise I'm told I'm a really good listener and I'm there for you when I need you.

If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? How to Fuck Up Your Life Royally and Then Get On With It

What's your biggest fear? Failure.

Can you sing? When I'm sittin' outside on the steps, alone, yes I can. Any other time, no.

Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? haha we pretend to be other people all the time. but because it's fun, not because i want people to like me or something.

Are you a loner? I prefer to call it independent. But if you wanna call me a loner go ahead, I don't give a fuck.

What are your .. 1 priorities in life? Right now it's fixing everything in my life that I fucked up. After that it's money, friends, etc.

If you were another person, would you be friends with you? I don't know. I think I'm too bitchy to want to be friends with me.

Are you a daredevil? Sometimes. Most of the time because I get pushed into doing things.

Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? I hate the fact that I tend to fuck things up and throw good things away. I hate that I can be such a bitch sometimes. I scare myself when I get so depressed and hurt and angry that I can't see straight.

Are you passive or agressive? Both. Depends on the situation and how much you pissed me off.

Do you have a journal? Yes I do. It needs updating.

What is your greatest strength and weakness? My greatest strength is that I am the go to girl, I am a good listener and a good problem solver. My greatest weakness is that I tend to drown myself in self pity.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I'd be a lot less emotional.

Do you think you are emotionally strong? Sometimes, depends. If I'm dealing with my own stuff, most of the time I am unless it comes to certain relationships, in which case I fall apart. With other people's problems I am very strong.

Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? Yes. A lot of things.

Do you think life has been good so far? It could have been worse.

What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? I honestly don't know.

What do you like the most about your body? I've always liked my boobs and my calves. Other then that nothing.

And least? Everything else.

Do you think you are good looking? If I really try I think I can look nice, I wouldn't necessarily say goodlooking.

Are you confident? I put up a good act. Sometimes I do feel confident, and sometimes I don't.

What is the fictional character you are most like? I've said this before, but Savannah from Prince of Tides, minus the whole she see's menstruating angels hanging from her ceiling thing.

Are you perceived wrongly? I don't think so.

*Do You...*

Smoke? Smoke what?

Do drugs? No sir.

Read the newspaper? Sometimes. I mostly read it online though.

Pray? No.

Go to church? No.

Talk to strangers who IM you? Sometimes. Unless they leave me messages saying they can suck their own dick, would i like to see, in which case I run away.

Sleep with stuffed animals? Yes I do. Right now I've got my lamb my Great Aunt Mary gave me.

Take walks in the rain? Not really, I like being dry.

Talk to people even though you hate them? I certainly do not. If you're in the hate category, you are there for a damn good reason, and I won't talk to you ever again. Not even if you were laying in the streets dying.

Drive? Yes I do.

Like to drive fast? I do.

*Would or Have You Ever?*

Liked your voice? I think it sounds weird.

Hurt yourself? Stupid questions.

Been out of the country? Yes. France, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Canada, and the Bahamas.

Eaten something that made other people sick? No.

Been in love? yes

Done drugs? yes

Gone skinny dipping? yes

Had a medical emergency? Nope, that's my brother and mom's department.

Had surgery? I had my wisdom teeth out, does that count?

Ran away from home? Nope.

Played strip poker? Yup. Damn that James.

Gotten beaten up? Nope.

Beaten someone up? Nope.

Been picked on? Yup.

Been on stage? Yup, in middle school.

Slept outdoors? Yes.

Thought about suicide? Yes.

Pulled an all nighter? Yes.

If yes, what is your record? Just two days or so.

Gone one day without food? Probably.

Talked on the phone all night? Yup.

Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex? Yup.

Slept all day? Yes

Killed someone? No

Made out with a stranger? Yup.

Had sex with a stranger? Once you meet them they aren't strangers anymore, so no!

Thought you're going crazy? I am fucking crazy.

Kissed the same sex? Unfortunately. Girls are assfucks.

Done anything sexual with the same sex? Again, girls suck.

Been betrayed? Yes I have. Fuckers.

Had a dream that came true? Nope.

Broken the law? Yes.

Met a famous person? I met Screech from saved by the bell.

Have you ever killed an animal by accident? No.

On purpose? Just bugs.

Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? yes. but for their own good.

Stolen anything? yes

Been on radio/tv? nope

Been in a mosh-pit? mosh pits scare me

Had a nervous breakdown? in my own way, yes.

Bungee jumped? fuck no.

Had a dream that kept coming back? yes


Belive in life on other planets? There must be.

Miracles? No

Astrology? No

Magic? No

God? No

Satan? No

Santa? no

Ghosts? No

Luck? yes

Love at first sight? No

Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)? yes

Witches? No

Easter bunny? no

Believe its possible to remain faithful forever? yes

Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow? No

Do you wish on stars? Not that it does any good

*Deep Theological Questions*

Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell? no

Do you think God has a gender? no

Do you believe in organized religion? no

Where do you think we go when we die? six feet under


Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? I do.

Who is your best friend? Kathy will always be my bestestestest friend ever. We're more like sisters. Or cousins who look alike, according to people on the cruise ;)

Who's the one person that knows most about you? Kathy.

What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you? Tell them how you feel or you will regret not saying it, no matter how hard it is.

Your favourite inside joke? the first that comes to mind is "circle circle circle...duck house!"

Thing you're picked on most about? Dunno.

Who's your longest known friend? Hmm...I've known Kathy since freshman year of high school...I guess she's it.

Newest? Lee, Kristen, John, Jeff, etc. The kids upstairs.

Shyest? Jackie Fay when she's around ppl she doesnt know.

Funniest? Most of my friends are pretty funny

Sweetest? Emily/Jamie/Melanie

Closest? Do you mean emotionally or in proximity? Emotionally it'd be Kathy, proximity would be Spoons, seeings as i could bust through the wall and get to her.

Weirdest? hahaha. All my friends are weird.

Smartest? Hmm...it's probably half court.

Ditziest? That'd be me.

Friends you miss being close to the most? Man i miss the girls from the dorm...Emily, Jamie, Melanie...:(

Last person you talked to online? Daniel and Beck, making dinner plans.

Who do you talk to most online? lol its probably spoons, which is retarded, cuz she's right in the other room.

Who are you on the phone with most? My phone is GONE...:(

Who do you trust most? I trust a lot of people, and I pretty much automatically trust you, until you fuck that trust up. Like I'm one to talk about fucking trust up though.

Who listens to your problems? Chris is who I go to a lot now. Spoons.

Who do you fight most with? My bitch of a roomate ;)

Who's the nicest? I can't pick who's nicest. The nicest person I've met recently would be Kristen, she's such a sweetheart.

Who's the most outgoing? That'd be Lee.

Who's the best singer? Britny!

Who's on your shit-list? A lot of people.

Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend? I probably have.

Who's your second family? The Jankowskis.

Do you always feel understood? Most of the time.

Who's the loudest friend? I'm really loud and obnoxious...

Do you trust others easily? Yes.

Who's house were you last at? Lee's.

Name one person who's arms you feel safe in: Please don't go there, I don't feel like crying today.

Do your friends know you? For the most part, yes.

Friend that lives farthest away: It's probably James right now, unless he's not as far as Kathy.

*Love and All That*

Do you consider love a mistake? no

What do you find romantic? Cuddling. Roses. Kisses on the forehead.

Turn-on? that's so vague. do you mean physically, emotionally? get more specific and come back to me.

Turn-off? people with no color, assholes who make me pay all the time, people who use me.

First kiss? hahahaha TIM-MAY.

If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel? I'd feel bad.

Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or getting to know them? I like getting to know them first.

Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out? I don't think it is, I think the guy should ask the girl.

Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? Ahahahaha....stay out of the sun!

Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? Everyone's attractive to someone.

What is best about the opposite sex? i like the thought that if you needed them to, they could kick someones ass for you. And I think it's really hot when guys are working, like working on cars or fixing stuff around the house, being all manly and shit.

What is the worst thing about the opposite sex? The fact that guys tend to be much less vocal about their emotions then girls.

What's the last present someone gave you? Umm...Lee gave me pizza and alcohol, does that count?

Are you in love? I am.

Do you consider your significant other hot? If I had one I'd let you know.

*Who Was the Last Person...*

That haunted you? him.

You wanted to kill? Uhh...Tim. Not Timmy, Tim.

That you laughed at? Megan in Latin class today, we are so fucking lost it's hysterical.

That laughed at you? The post office man.

That turned you on? ugh...lets not go there.

You went shopping with? Erin.

That broke your heart? I break my own heart.

To disappoint you? Spoons.

To ask you out? Michael.

To make you cry? Myself. I make myself cry over stupid shit I do and over boys.

To brighten up your day? Becky. She makes me laugh. She's so silly. She told me I shouldn't be sad because I'm tall. lol. It's a joke, you don't get it. I do.

That you thought about? Who am I always thinking about?

You saw a movie with? Lee, we went and saw the Exorcism of Emily Rose.

You talked to on the phone? uummm...my mom.

You talked to through IM/ICQ? lil' b and daniel.

You saw? techincally it would be random people i dont know walking around outside.

*Right This Moment...*

Are you going out? in fifteen minutes I'm headed over to todd.

Will it be with your significant other? Yes, Lil' B is my significant other.

Or some random person? they aren't random.

What are you wearing right now? Jeans, black tshirt.

Body part you're touching right now: uhh...nothing? If my hands are on the keyboard, how can i be touching myself?

What are you worried about right now? Everything.

What book are you reading? In Her Shoes. I read it already but I'm re-reading it waiting for the movie to come out. And then I have to find someone to go see a chick flick with me, since my chick flick movie partner is in NJ.

What's on your mousepad? the dell logo

Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling: lonely, tired, scared, hungry, hurt

Are you bored? Very much so.

Are you tired? Definately.

Are you talking to anyone online? this is the third fucking time youve asked me this question you piece of shit quizmaker.

Are you talking to anyone on the phone? Again, I dont HAVE a phone to talk on. Fucker.

Are you lonely or content? Lonely.

Are you listening to music? yes. Photograph by Nickelback.

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