Jan 20, 2009 15:06
I Hate the fact that just because my mom thinks i need them i HAVE to take them. In reality it is my choice. i am not bipolar i am not schizophrenic im not even ADHD. So WHY do i have to take them? Why does she think she can control me.force meinto taking them? it is not her decision it's mine. so get over it oman..sometimes i hate you so much....sometimes i just want to leave and NEVER come back.
Oh and another thing im having an issue with is america's "choice" of Obama. Why? he is just going to screw up the country even more. He doe not hav the skills necessary to run a country...he doen't have the skills to run a school let alone a country. He is not capable of runninganything except maybe his family. He needs to step down now before he puts American into ruins. As my friends status on facebook said "This is the begining of the end". which i Completly agree with! He is an ignorant man who at this point i wouldn't be surprised if he was a terrorist or something. I mean really his grandma conviniently dies after she confesses to seeing him being boren in KENYA. IN KENYA not America. If your parents are American but you were born in kenya you are Kenyan NOT American! Why is noone pressing this further?!?!!
Im obviously in a really bad mood today. Im stck in the house with a dictator and her evil little minions i call me brother and sister. My dad is out somewhere....im about to rip my hair out! They frustrate me to no end. And then they tell me to deal with their annoying tendencies while if i do anything wrong or slightly annoying they yell at me to stop? Hypocritical much? OH MY GOD!!! shoot me in the face (not really) I think im going to go now but really; why must she be such a god damn Nazi about everything...i can be perfectly happy without my pills....i just choose to get annoyed when people are being dumb. It has nothing to do with my pills. dumbass