May 10, 2006 23:18
I so mistreat this journal. Its all about the myspace to me now. I still read everyones entries but I never have anything to say. I really need to make a new icon for this. That pic is like 4 years old. When I was still all innocent. Those were the days. Life is much better now. :) I dont have much of anything to report. Scott is still in prison. I see him every monday. Im trying to get my moneys out of the bank and invest it at the moment. And hopefully get a 2nd car. Im very spoiled. I cant help it. Im not exactly sure what to get tho. We shall see if I can even do it. um... yeah. Not too much going on. Does anyone wanna buy my treadmill. Asking $100.00. I never use it. Its on craigs list but people are hella flakey about actually comming by to see it. Someone is suppose to come by this weekend. We shall see if they do I guess. I dont know. Check out the myspace!