Jun 22, 2007 14:29
Annoyed.... I was going to talk about something else but im officially annoyed now. Who threw the idea of doing something out there with a place already picked out? Oh yea that would be me. So who got over rided and kicked out of doing anything tonight. Oh yeah that would also be me. Sometime I really think I need new friends who actually give a flying fuck on what I have to say rather than needing to go to the bar to feed there alcoholic habit. Its really sad when people have a problem like that. But not my problem. Ugh... Seriously fuck you guys when you do this to me. Im sorry I dont like seattle. So PLEASE go there every time and tell me you miss me and want to hang out soon. MAYBE once or twice we have ever gone to a place I like. I dont see the point of fighting over some place so I always go to the same boring places you want to. Fuck that. Let me have it my way for once. Thats how you keep friends. By giving back too. IT DOESNT HAVE TO ALWAYS BE YOUR FUCKING WAY! Ugh... So why dont you ever come my way? Do I always have to fucking drive to see you. Man...Fuck it, im not going to stress over it.