Runaways ~ NC17 ~ Liam/Spike (William) ~ AU Human ~ Chapter 7

Mar 04, 2006 11:04

I know I have some feedback to responde to, and I apologize for taking so long. Work has been very hectic this week, but I promise to get to all of it today. So for now, you can read Chapter 7.


Title: Runaways
Authors: angelspike69 and anamcara420
Pairing: Liam/Spike (William)
Rating: Adult. This story contains M/M sex. If that isn’t your cup of tea then go away now and don’t read any farther.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, Angel and Spike don’t belong to us. If they did, they’d be following up all their fighting and snarking with each other with lots of manly shagging.
Spoilers: No spoilers at all as this is a story that takes place in an alternate universe where our boys are totally human and have never been vampires. We’re not even sure if they believe in them.
Feedback: AngelSpike69 and Anamcara420
Notes: Would like to extend our sincere thanks to Makd for her beta of our story. You are the best sweetie!!!!! Previous chapters can be found in my memories here or in our archive here
Summary: Two damaged young men meet by chance in the woods in Vermont. Through conflict and kindness and the special magic of Christmas, they stop running from their pasts and help each other to heal.


Chapter 7

The two men stared silently at each other. Liam brushed his fingers through his dark brown curls, desperately searching for something to say - the right something. He stared at the slender man watching him intently. Spike’s skin was flushed pink and a muscle in his cheek twitched. He held his body stiffly but his shoulders hunched, as if he expected a blow. As Liam watched he could almost see the brash street hustler persona bubbling to the surface, but then Spike’s face collapsed into sad, defeated mask.

Spike’s voice was raspy when he spoke. “No worries. I get it. I’m…I’m…” His voice trailed off and he turned away.

Liam strode over to Spike and grabbed his arm, spinning him around. Spike’s eyes widened and he looked almost scared. “You. Get. Nothing, Spike.” Liam said harshly and distinctly.

Spike glared at Liam and tried to break away from his firm grasp. “Let go, ponce.”

“No!” Liam answered and pulled Spike toward the sofa, pushing him onto the cushions. “Sit down.” Spike opened his mouth to speak; fear and anger raced across his white, sharply chiseled face. “No! You’ll listen.” Liam sat down heavily next to him. He scowled at Spike, then sighed and turned away. He bent his body and put his hands on his knees. His voice barely above a whisper, Liam began to speak.

“I was 18 when I met David. He…he was an architect on one of my father’s construction projects. I had known for a while…that I was gay although I struggled to combat it. I was a jock - football in the fall and baseball in the spring. Always had a girlfriend. But…I knew. My dad expected me to follow in his footsteps - run the family business after college. I had a football scholarship - to Princeton. I worked at the construction site all summer. I was attracted to David. I made excuses to see him, go into the trailer, ask questions about the plans, and hang around. David was kind and patient, but he made no overtures. Finally, before the end of the summer, I did. I got him alone and…showed him I was interested in him. He told me that he was six years older than I and I had to experience more of life before I knew what I wanted. He said he was going away for the rest of the summer; his partner would take over the job. He told me I was beautiful and that if I still felt the same way when I was older…” Liam paused for a moment and then continued speaking in his quiet, gentle way.

“I was devastated. I couldn’t wait for the summer to be over so I could get away from everything. I went to school early for football camp and threw myself into my studies. In the third game of the season, I shattered my knee. My football career was over. I came home to heal. I decided not to return to Princeton and registered at Columbia for the spring semester. My parents had moved out of the city to Westchester County, but they let me use the family apartment while I went to school. I still had to use a cane to walk and went to physical therapy three days a week. One afternoon, as I left the therapist’s office, I saw David. He was sitting in a coffee shop, with…with another man. I stopped and stared until he turned and saw me. He said something to the man and came outside although I had hobbled a few steps down the street, furious and embarrassed by the tears in my eyes.”

Spike had been listening attentively and he reached out to touch Liam’s arm. Liam looked at him and smiled sadly. He glanced away and continued.

“We saw each other often, and eventually he gave in to my persistence and moved in with me into my family’s apartment. My father was furious, disinherited me … Shortly after, my mother had a heart attack and died; my father blamed me. My father never spoke to me again. The apartment we lived in had been my grandparents’ and my grandmother gave it to me. She was the only one who loved me unconditionally.

David insisted that I continue with school. He and my grandmother paid the tuition. I finished my undergraduate studies and earned a Master of Fine Arts with a concentration in sculpture. My grandmother died a few weeks after my graduation. The only family I had left was David. I was tired and a little depressed. I loved school and school was over. I lay around the apartment for a while until David got me a job in the workshop of an elderly man who made furniture. He was semi-retired and almost blind but he took me on because I spoke Italian. He taught me to create beautiful things out of wood. It was very different from working with clay or bronze. I began to like the idea of creating art that could be used every day.”

Liam clasped his hands together tightly. “David and I lived and worked together for eight years until…David was HIV positive and eventually…he died of the disease.”

Liam turned his head and grasped Spike’s hand. He stared hard into the younger man’s tearful blue eyes. “I had never been with anyone, Spike. David and I…David was…he was my only…lover. Everything I am is because of him…” He stopped speaking and swallowed.

Spike touched Liam’s cheek with his other hand. “No, luv…David may have taught you…how to be with a man, but you…you are kind and caring and…and…you had those feelings inside of you before you met him. I’ve never…never known anyone like you, Liam…thought people like you only lived in fairy tales or Hollywood movies. I’m sure you’ve figured out my life weren’t no fairy tale. Don’t know how…how to be kind like you. Don’t know how to…I know sex…how to use it to get what I want. I’m not…not innocent like you were…like you are. You think the best of everyone. I don’t…I think everyone’s out for themselves…that’s what I know. Being here with you and these people is…a fantasy…a good fantasy, not like my comics…”

Spike stopped speaking suddenly. He didn’t mean to reveal the subject matter of his drawings to Liam, especially not now.

Liam’s smile was sad. “I knew there had to be something else that you weren’t showing me. I know when I make a chair or a table, I put part of my soul into it. I suspected your life had been…”

“Shit?” Spike interrupted; his lips curled into his trademark smirk.

“Yeah, that’s a good word.” Liam replied. “Mrs. Jenkins was concerned about you. She mentioned that she thought you…you had been…”

“Fucked?” The younger man said with a humorless laugh.

“Abused. I already thought that because…”

“Because I came on to you like some street hustler.” Spike said quietly.


Spike began to speak haltingly, never looking at Liam. “Lived in a flat in Liverpool. When I was thirteen, the bird next door taught me how to fuck. I liked it. She and her friends made a fuss over me…held me…talked to me. Me da threw me mum out when I was fourteen. He caught her fucking a bloke in the back of the pub. She’d been fucking her dealer regular in the flat when he was at work but he didn’t know. A few months later he married a slag who was twenty. He was thirty-five. She thought I was innocent; thought she was teaching me how to fuck. I let her. Liked…liked being…touched. He came home early, found us and stormed out. Came back with a one-way ticket for me for the next day to L.A. That’s where me mum was. Took me to the airport. Sat with me overnight to make sure I didn’t run. Never said a word to me. Handed me a paper with her address and five pounds. Watched me get on the plane. Me mum didn’t know I was coming.”

He stopped speaking and Liam rested his large hand on Spike’s thin arm. He lifted his head and saw the concern on Liam's face and gave him a sad, lopsided smile and lowered his head. “When that john raped me it hurt…it hurt. I was scared. I didn’t know how…I fought but he was stronger…Me mum…her dealer told her I’d be her free ride.”

Spike shivered and Liam put his hand on his back. “Was bloody awful in the beginning. Wasn’t…wasn’t sure…didn’t know…The men…they were filthy and they smelled. I showered over and over, when the water was on, and never felt clean. Most were…brutal. I hated…hated sucking them off. Hated being on my knees, like they were…better than me.” He shuddered and Liam reached to squeeze his hand. Spike wouldn’t look up at him.

“At first the fucking hurt like hell. I’d bleed for hours. After a while…I was a tool…a means for them to get off. The toffs smelled better but they…they were just as…vicious…some were…they’d slap me around. I was…I was powerless…I didn’t own my body. Me mum’s pimp owned it.” Spike stopped speaking and the two men sat silently for a while.

Spike began again; his quiet words tumbling out in a rush. “Learned quickly to go off into my head. Be numb. Stopped being afraid when I figured out that I had power. They wanted me. Got real good at seduction, making them want me. Some of the toffs liked that act. Guess it felt like I wanted them. Learned to use my body to get what I wanted - extra cash, movie passes, whatever. Was better when the same blokes came regular. Sometimes I could coax them to take me to a hotel so I could shower in hot water and sleep in clean sheets. The guy who told me he worked at the University of Vermont was a regular. Was on sabbatical for a year; worked at a film studio. Took me there once. He was the nicest one but he was still a john and had…had expectations.”

Spike stopped talking and once again the men sat quietly together. Spike broke the silence. “I’m sorry, Liam…I…”

Liam turned Spike’s face toward him. He put his finger to Spike’s lips and shook his head. “I’m sorry you had to live like that. I cannot even imagine how that was.”

Spike tried to stifle a yawn and Liam noticed his face was pale and slightly sweaty. He traced his finger along the other man’s sharp cheekbone. Spike leaned into the touch. Liam spoke softly. “You need sleep. Doc said to rest. You don’t want him mad at me do you?”

The men stood up and stared at each other. Each of them had shared something they had kept secreted away. They felt vulnerable since they revealed their feelings. But they felt less lonely, a bit closer. They felt friendship…and the stirrings of something more.


The two men said nothing more about their revelations and lived together peacefully for the next few days. Spike finished Mrs. Jenkins’ footstool and he and Liam drove over to deliver it and the small chest that the older man had made for her. She was leaving to go to her daughter’s for Christmas. She was touched by the gifts and her eyes filled with tears as she patted Spike’s face.

“It is beautiful, Spike. I will treasure it and use it everyday.” She turned to Liam and touched his cheek. “You have taught him well, Liam. I love the chest. I already know what I’ll put in it. I have antique lace from my grandmother that I've been storing in tissue paper in a cardboard box at the back of my closet.” She smiled at them. “You both have such artistic talent. It is obvious that you put a piece of your heart in what you make.”

The old woman handed each of them a beautifully wrapped package. “Wait till Christmas morning to open these.”

They visited with her for awhile and then Doc Clayton arrived to take her into Burlington to get the train to Boston. She kissed Liam and Spike and waved good-bye. Liam and Spike went for lunch at the hotel and stopped at John’s for groceries. When they got home, Liam went out to the barn to finish up a few more orders and Spike worked on the comic book he was making him for Christmas. The next day Liam went out early to make his final deliveries. He would be out until late afternoon. As soon as Spike saw the truck at the end of the driveway, he called John and hurried up to the attic to get the boxes of Christmas decorations. When the shopkeeper arrived, the two men went into the woods to cut down a small tree and some evergreen branches. Spike knew he didn’t really know how to saw down a tree so he secretly enlisted the other man’s help. John had brought pieces of wood to nail into the trunk for a stand. They took the tree into the cabin and set it up.

John watched Spike and marveled at the changes in him. The pale, sickly man was gone and the hard-edged street hustler had disappeared; a happy eighteen-year-old had taken up residence in his still too-thin body. His bright blue eyes twinkled and his face was flushed with excitement.

After John left, Spike began decorating. Bella and Mac hovered nearby. He laughed loudly when Mac put a branch in his mouth and pranced around the cabin. Spike draped evergreen boughs on every flat surface and placed some of the glass ornaments in the middle of the branches. Mrs. Jenkins had loaned him some of her candles and he set them amid the greenery and ornaments and plugged them in. He wrapped the tiny lights around the tree and hung the rest of the ornaments. He took an old plaid blanket and draped it beneath the little tree and carefully unpacked the crèche and the figures and set them on the blanket. They must have belonged to his grandmother. They are very, very old. Bella curled next to the tiny, wooden building. He wrapped Liam’s gift and placed it under the tree with the little presents for Mac and Bella and the gifts Mrs. Jenkins had given them. When he was finished, he gazed around the cabin. He had not had a Christmas tree since he was fourteen. He had found some home decorating shows on television and he tried to copy some of what he saw. The homeless man had decorated his new home for Christmas! He couldn’t wait until Liam came home.

Spike heard Liam’s truck and walked out onto the porch, Mac at his side.

Liam walked up the steps and smiled at Spike, who was grinning. “You look like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. “What’s up?”

Spike didn’t answer; he took Liam’s hand and pulled him into the cabin. Liam looked at the Christmas decorations; his body stiffened and his eyes filled with tears.

Spike’s face crumbled. “Don’t…don’t you like it?”

Liam faced the younger man and clasped his hand. “I’m….I’m sorry, Spike. It’s…it’s lovely, Spike.”

Hurt and anger replaced the joy in Spike’s eyes and his voice hardened. “Must have something to do with David, yeah? Don’t celebrate anymore because David isn’t here. Bloke’s been dead for three sodding years. Take off the fucking sackcloth, ponce.”

He spun on his heels and strode into the back hallway. He put on his heavy coat and opened the door to go outside. A large hand grabbed his arm and turned him around.

“Don’t you dare talk about David! My heart isn’t encased in ice like yours. Someone loved me…loved me for eight years. You know nothing about love, Spike!”

“This isn’t love; this is bloody …bloody carryin’ a torch; holdin’ onto the past. You think David would want you to do this? If he loved you, he wouldn’t. He’d want you to be happy; want you to let yourself be happy. Just because you’re not sad doesn’t mean you forget him.” Spike answered in a furious barrage and pulled his arm from Liam’s grasp and stomped out into the cold.

He reached the barn and went inside; only then did he allow his tears to fall. I’ll never understand him. Thought… he cared about me a little. Thought he’d be…pleased. Wanted to finally have a real Christmas. You. Are. A. Sodding idjit William! Why’d ya think...why’d ya think it would ever be different?

Spike climbed the ladder to the loft. Always climbin’ high, William. Always fallin’ hard you fuckin’ fool! He walked over to the hayloft door in the wall and struggled to slide it open. He sat down and stared out into the woods; watching as the snow began to coat the branches of the trees. He tried to talk the tears away, but they wouldn’t listen. He heard the barn door open.

“Spike? Spike?”

He didn’t answer. He was angry and hurt and furious with himself for feeling anything; for hoping. He heard Liam’s steps on the ladder and then on the old wooden floor, but he didn’t turn around.

Liam sank to his knees next to him. “Spike, I’m…I’m sorry…you’re right. David wouldn’t want me…wouldn’t want me to be sad.”

Spike turned to look at the older man; saw the tears glistening on his handsome face, but said nothing.

“I am carrying a torch. But…David died on Christmas Eve…and…and I was…relieved. I felt guilty because I was relieved.” He sighed. “Spike, please come inside. I’m cold and being out here isn’t good for you. Please…I’ll tell you why…” He stood up and reached out his hand.

Spike took it and Liam pulled him up. They climbed down and silently walked back into the cabin. They hung up their coats and went into the living area. Liam put logs on the fire and then poured each of them a small glass of Bailey’s Irish Crème. Spike raised his eyebrows in surprise as he took the glass. He sat down on the sofa and Liam pulled over the rocking chair. Spike sipped the drink and stared at Liam, waiting for him to continue. Liam stared into the fireplace for a long moment and then finally faced Spike and began to speak softly and haltingly.

“David…David loved Christmas. He...the apartment looked…looked like a fantasyland when he decorated. We…we had parties. Friends…we celebrated…Gave each other lots of presents…went away for New Year’s…It was…I was so happy.” Liam paused and sipped his drink.

“I was lost when David died. I had no one… I ran away…from everything…from my memories. Went to North Carolina; somewhere we had never gone. Never…never did anything that we had done. I hardened my heart; never let anyone in…tried to erase him from my mind…but… my guilt was determined that he should stay. When my uncle died and left me this cabin, I came here…David and I had never been here. Slowly…I made a life here.”

He smiled sadly at Spike and turned back to stare into the fire. “You’re right…these people…it is like a fairy tale…they take you as you are…let you be alone if you want…but welcome you if…if you want to be welcomed…I swore I would never…never get…close to anyone ever again…I could not…I couldn’t say good-bye to anyone again…and then…”

Liam stopped speaking and turned to look at Spike. “And then Mac found you in the woods…and…and the walls I built around my heart began to crumble. I was scared. I struggled…I tried to build them up again…but…I couldn’t.” He smiled and Spike’s heart flipped.

“You pushed your way in, Spike…and I found myself wanting you in my life and it terrified me. The…the cabin looks beautiful. It smells like…Christmas. I hurt you and I’m sorry.” Liam stopped talking and smiled hopefully.

While Liam was speaking, Spike had relaxed his rigid body. No one had ever apologized to him. He swallowed and spoke quietly. “Don’t like seein’ you sad, Liam. You shouldn’t…shouldn’t be sad…you’re…makes me angry seeing you sad. I want to do something and…and I don’t know what to do…how to make it…better…and that makes me angry, too. I…I know I don’t…don’t know how to do things…don’t know how to be with…with nice people.”

The two men stared at each other for a long time. Spike’s stomach growled and he blushed. Liam laughed and stood. “Let’s get some dinner. Do you want to go out?”

“No. Got spaghetti?”

Liam grinned. “I’m half Italian. It’s a rule. Italians must always have gravy in the fridge and pasta in the cupboard.”

The two men shared dinner and then laughed their way through the movie Home Alone on TV.


Two days later was Christmas Eve and Liam and Spike drove to Burlington. Spike could barely contain his excitement. They stopped for coffee at Radio Bean and then entered an elegant men’s clothing store, Michael Kehoe, Ltd. Spike was intimidated as soon as they walked in, but the salesman knew Liam and he relaxed - a bit.

Spike walked out of the dressing room and Liam almost gasped. He had on grey flannel slacks, a black suede jacket and a blue shirt, open collared. He looked - elegant.

“Um…you look…you look great.” Liam said as his cheeks flushed pink.

Spike grinned. “Poncey, but they feel good.”

Liam tried on a camel hair sport coat and dark brown wool pants and a cream shirt.

Spike waggled his eyebrows at him as he stood in front of the mirror. “Sexxxxy.” He hissed. Liam blushed deep red, but then they both laughed.

They put their purchases in the car and continued to explore Burlington. It was a college town and the clothing was preppy not punk, much to Spike’s dismay. Finally, a young saleswoman gave them directions to a tiny shop on a back street with everything Spike liked. He happily tried on black jeans and t-shirts. When he came out of the dressing room, he searched for Liam who waved him over, a huge grin creasing his handsome face. He was standing in the shoe department, holding up a pair of Doc Martins. Spike almost whooped for joy. They bought the shoes and headed out of the store. Spike stopped briefly at a rack of black leather dusters, but they were very expensive and Liam had spent quite a lot on him today. Maybe I could work part time at John’s or at that dry goods store. Not right for Liam to buy me everything.

They had lunch at Ri~Ra’s Irish Pub and visited the Frog Hollow Market where they picked up a few pieces of Vermont made pottery. Spike spent an hour in the music store while Liam met with a gallery owner who wanted him to put a few pieces in his shop on consignment. They went to Pauline’s, an upscale restaurant, for dinner and then drove back to North Hero. They unloaded the car and Spike dragged himself into the bedroom. Liam peeked in a bit later and saw that he had fallen asleep in his clothes and shoes. He tiptoed in and unlaced the new Doc Martins that Spike had insisted on wearing immediately. Spike never even twitched. Liam sneaked back out and finished wrapping Spike’s gifts before falling asleep himself.


Spike woke up first, which was unusual. He was too excited to sleep. He hadn’t been anxious for Christmas morning in years. He watched Liam sleeping for a few minutes. This man…he is a good man…a man for…for always. He shook his head and went into the kitchen to make tea. Grinning, he made a bit of noise, hoping Liam would wake but he didn’t hear him stirring. He let Mac out and put food out for the dog and Bella. Mac barked and he let him in. Liam was standing in the kitchen, smiling.

“Merry Christmas, Spike!”

“Merry Christmas, Liam!

They took their mugs of tea into the living area, where Liam lit a fire and plugged in the tree lights. They sat quietly sipping their tea and staring at the twinkling lights on the tiny evergreen. Spike couldn’t stop fidgeting. Liam pretended not to notice. Finally Spike could contain himself no longer. He went over to the tree and picked up a brightly wrapped package and handed it to Liam.

“Open yours first, Liam.” Spike demanded with a grin. He couldn’t stop grinning.

“Thanks, Spike.” He took off the ribbon and paper and sat staring at the gift. Spike had made a comic book about his life since he had come to North Hero. The title page said An Island Fairy Tale. Liam glanced at every page slowly. Spike had drawn himself huddled beneath a tree, Mac nudging him with his head. The caption read: Mac, the rescue dog. He drew Liam carrying him into the cabin: Liam, the shining knight. Liam looked up, his eyes glittering with tears. He continued to look through the book, amazed at Spike’s talent and touched by what he drew and wrote. He had drawn a map of North Hero and labeled it The Magical Island. There was a drawing of Mrs. Jenkins in a rocking chair with Spike at her feet, with the caption: Queen of the island and the errant knight. His heart clenched when he saw Spike, hooked up to tubes, lying in the hospital: Lost knight dying. Everyone they knew was in the book. The doctor was The Court Physician. Tom Hansen was dressed in shining amour. He stood on top of a crumbling building. His page was titled, The brave sheriff of North Hero crushes the evil city. Bella was somewhere on every page. Sometimes she was hidden and Liam had to search but she was always there. He closed the book and sat perfectly still. When he looked up, his face glistened with tears.

He looked at Spike in awe. “I…I don’t…I have never seen anything so lovingly drawn. You are truly talented, Spike…your drawing is exquisite. You have captured everyone perfectly. This…I will treasure this. I have never received such a special gift. Thank you.” He reached over and caressed Spike’s cheek. They gazed at each other for a long moment. Finally Liam swiped his hand over his wet face.

“Your turn, Spike. But nothing I could buy will compare to this book.” Liam directed him to a pile of presents sprawled beneath the tree, all with his name. Spike looked and his eyes widened.

“These are all for me?” He asked incredulously.

“Yes. And now I know for certain that someday with your talent you will be very wealthy…and you will buy me a…a sailboat, named Bella.”

Spike grinned and began to open the boxes. Liam had bought him a variety of art supplies: black pencils, all sizes of erasers, a huge box of colored pencils, Crowquill pens, different colors of India ink, a Rapidograph pen set, markers, 80 lb. drawing paper, matte board and several other must haves. Liam also bought graphic programs for the computer. He was thrilled.

“Liam, thank you. This…these…it’s everything I need. I can’t wait to try these computer programs, although I can’t imagine drawing without paper and pencil.”

“I couldn’t either, but…David had some and it was fascinating to watch him create images on the screen. It may take a while for you to get the hang of it. It took him quite a long time. You may prefer to use pencils but I wanted to give you the option.” Liam answered, hoping that a reference to David wouldn’t upset Spike.

“I’ll try. You may not get much computer time with all these new programs to try out.” Spike smiled.

“Maybe we’ll have to get a second computer. I’ve been seeing the ads for laptops.”

Liam got up and went into the closet in the bathroom. He came out carrying a large box with a huge red bow. He handed it to Spike.

“Liam, you gave me too much already.” Spike protested.

“Open it.” Liam demanded.

Spike undid the bow and opened the box; inside lay the black leather duster that he saw in the store. His eyes grew wide and his mouth opened in surprise. He looked up at Liam.

“How’d you know?”

“I saw you fingering it and figured it would be perfect with your Doc Martins.” Liam laughed. “I guess you like it?”

Spike jumped up and put on the coat. He rubbed his hands over the supple leather. He walked over to Liam and gave him a hug. Liam was surprised but happily returned the hug until Spike stepped away, twirling a bit like a little kid.

Spike blushed at his display. “I’ve never had anything so…so fine before. I can never thank you…”

“I’m happy you’re here Spike. I’m happy you’re well and…I am deeply touched by your book.” Liam interrupted. He grinned and said, “Breakfast?”

Spike returned the grin and answered. “Yeah, I could eat.”

Liam laughed as he walked into the kitchen. “What a surprise!”

After breakfast, Liam and Spike opened Mrs. Jenkins’ gifts. She had given Spike an early 19th century illustrated edition of William Blake’s Songs of Experience and Liam received a signed first edition book of a collection of Gustav Stickley’s furniture. The Blake had belonged to her father and the Stickley had been her husband’s. Both of them were overwhelmed by her generosity and spent a long time paging through the volumes and sharing the art with each other.

Liam installed two of the graphic programs and he and Spike attempted to manipulate the stylus. They struggled and agreed that becoming adept would take lots of practice. Bella was rolling around on the catnip mouse Spike had gotten her and the men laughed at the usually regally calm cat’s antics. They took Mac outside and tossed the huge rubber ball that Spike had given the dog. Later in the afternoon, they dressed in their new clothes and drove through heavily falling snow to John and Amy’s for dinner. As soon as he entered the house, Amy ran over to Liam and threw her arms around his neck.

“Thank you, Liam. Thank you!” She gushed, her eyes sparkling.

Liam had ordered a flower-of-the-month gift for the woman. He blushed. “Flowers are good, especially during our long winter months.” He said quietly and looked over at John who made a show of glaring, but his eyes were twinkling.

“Next time you need help with your computer, don’t call me!” He said and everyone laughed.

Doc Clayton and the sheriff greeted them. Another car crunched into the snow-covered driveway and John hurried outside. He returned shortly pushing a woman in a wheel chair. It was Ann Sawyer, the woman who owned the dry goods store and her daughter, Jess. Jess took the wheelchair from John and she and her mother came over to Liam. Ann reached for the woodsmith’s hand.

“Thank you, Liam. I haven’t felt so special in a long time.” She pulled him down and kissed him on the cheek. Jess gave him a peck too, as both women grinned at the tall, handsome man who was clearly uncomfortable with the attention. He had sent the monthly flower arrangement to Ann and her daughter, too.

“My grandmother…really loved flowers, especially in the winter.” He mumbled; the flush on his face deepened.

Spike had watched the scene with awe. He mouth twitched with a smile. Damn right it’s a sodding fairy tale. He sobered and sighed. Liam is…he is so thoughtful. How does he know just the right thing to do? I could never think of just…just the perfect gift.

Liam had been watching Spike out of the corner of his eye. He extricated himself from the group and walked over. He looked down at Spike and winked. “You gave me the perfect gift, Spike. You gave me something you made especially for me.”

Spike was startled. “How…how’d ya know what…?”

Liam laughed quietly. “Your face, Spike. Your face shows every emotion that you’re feeling. Better never play poker.”

“Sodding psychic you are, Liam.” He pouted.

Liam drew in a breath at the pout and felt a stirring of arousal. Oh my God he’s…he’s adorable. He quickly pushed those thoughts away. “Let’s join the others.”

Everyone admired the huge, beautifully decorated Christmas tree in John and Amy’s living room. The women made a fuss at the handsome new clothing that Spike and Liam wore - much to their embarrassment. John and the other men - who were not as stylishly attired - grumbled good naturedly at all of the attention the younger men were getting, and grinned at their red faces.

Liam had brought several bottles of champagne and they toasted the holiday and the absent Mrs. Jenkins. She was sincerely missed. They all enjoyed a great dinner and good company. Liam sat next to Ann and as he talked to her, he learned that she had been a high school English teacher and he questioned her about the possibility of Spike getting a GED.

“I’ll look into it, Liam. I’ll find out what the requirements are and get back to you. I’d be happy to tutor him. In fact, I’d really like to do it. I miss teaching. My brother is the chairman of the Math department at the high school over on St. Albans. He could probably help with the Math and Science requirements. I’m better with English and History.” As she was speaking, her face became more animated. “I’ll contact the county seat as soon as Christmas vacation is over.”

“Thanks, Ann.” He looked over at Spike talking with Doc Clayton. “I don’t think Spike has been to school since the elementary grades.” He gave the woman a half-smile. “I don’t know how he’s going to take to studying again.”

She laughed. “I’ll bribe him with chocolate chip cookies.”

Liam grinned back at her. “That should do it. His chocolate obsession is legendary, I guess.”

After a long, pleasant evening, Liam and Spike drove home. Spike dozed on the way back to the cabin; probably due to the huge meal, the few glasses of champagne he was allowed and the few Liam saw him sneak. When they got inside the cabin, he flopped onto the sofa. Liam went out with Mac and when he returned, Spike was sound asleep. He stood watching Spike; his light brown head resting on the back of the sofa; his sharp cheekbones accentuating his pale slightly pink face and his slender hands resting on Bella’s fur as she lay purring next to him. He felt arousal stirring again and admonished himself. You are ten years older than he is. He’ll stay awhile and then leave. He’s a city boy. North Hero will be too quiet for him soon. Liam sighed sadly. Hopefully he’ll stay awhile. Finish school. Maybe even college. Then…

He shook the sleeping man gently. “Come on, Spike. You need to get undressed.”

Spike mumbled incoherently and blinked open his eyes slightly. Liam helped him up and led him into the bedroom. Spike sat down and began fumbling with his shirt buttons. Liam helped him off with his jacket and shirt and knelt down to remove his shoes. When Spike fell back on the bed, snoring, Liam stiffened, uncertain what to do. He leaned over to unbuckle the belt and carefully pulled it through the loops. He hated the thought of Spike sleeping in his new pants. He hesitated briefly and then unzipped and gently slid the slacks down.

Liam relaxed a bit when he saw that Spike had worn boxers but he could not help but notice the hardened bulge beneath the material. Liam shivered. Spike turned onto his side; his face pale against the dark blue sheets, his thin, white hands curled under his chin. Liam reached down to gently brush the soft curls from his brow. As he pulled up the covers over the smaller man’s slender body, he watched Spike sleep for a few minutes. God, he is so beautiful… fragile…tough…his skin…so soft. He swallowed and forced down his own arousal and quickly left the room. He lay awake for a long while on the air mattress…remembering how it felt to be touched.

Chapter 8

fic - runaways

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