cease the endless rats inside the walls

Jan 24, 2005 02:36

kaki king's performance at amoeba this afternoon was disappointing.
roy's cranberry margaritas tonight, after jared's jello shots last night? insane. lisa got so wasted. my roommate's too funny. :]
oh man. i don't know why i'm still awake.

actually, when i got into the cruiser tonight, i started singing along under my breath-- you know, one of those subconscious things where you've heard a song enough so that you can hum it before you place it-- to the music the driver was playing. [a better driver than fisch and deemo, i daresay.] right when the band dawned on me, he laughed and commented that it sounded like i was already familiar with the song. then i asked if he'd seen them live, etc, and we got talking about the old drummer and how disappointing it was that he left, albeit with good reason, how the new drummer was alright but nowhere near as good, and about the old drummer's side project, so on and so forth. although we hit both red lights, he hesitated and decided to drive way around the block instead of taking me home directly ("cruiser 217, is your GPS functioning properly?" "uh... i don't think so."), just so we could listen to his favorite song off the drummer's solo album.

randomness like this just doesn't get much better. xx
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