Going Back To Doctor Mom: Home Remedies That Heal

Feb 16, 2008 08:07

The common cold or flu is almost synonymous with these winter months, and if you find yourself heading out to the drug store to dope up on NyQuil, then think again. Home remedies that usually fade away with our childhood, are beginning to be rediscovered thanks to the various websites available that are now promoting them. However, these treatments go far beyond chicken soup for a runny nose. Today's home remedies are just as good as what your mother and her mother before that offered up, and thanks to organic trends, you have the opportunity to give even better homemade remedies to your kids. Read on for five favorites.

Healing a Cold with Lemon & Garlic

It's tempting to take those overly advertised cold medicines when you get the sniffles, but did you know that common kitchen foods can make you well without giving your system unnecessary chemicals? Lemon is a great example of this. You may have noticed that a lot of cold & flu medications are infused with lemon. That's because the pharmaceutical industry has caught on to a secret your ancestors knew all along - lemon can make you well. Add some Vitamin-C enriched lemon juice, or a slice of fresh lemon, to a glass of warm water for relief from common cold symptoms.

Garlic also packs a powerful punch against cold & flu season. Garlic soup can greatly reduce the strength of your symptoms. Eat it once a day to keep the doctor away! You can prepare it by boiling up three cloves of chopped garlic in a cup of water. The vegetable's natural oils helps to clear up your clogged airways. It can also work to flush away toxins.

Conquering a Cough

Catch that chronic cough from a coworker? A nagging, chesty cough that hinders your day when you feel otherwise fine, can be beyond annoying. Chop up some ginger (around 10 grams) and boil it in a cup of water. Strain and then add a teaspoon of sugar for a cough suppressant designed by Mother Nature herself.

Beating A Bad Case of Nausea

Plagued with the stomach flu and can’t find any relief? Now is the time to get your sweets in. Peppermint tea has been known to help with an unsettled stomach, and sucking on lemon drops can do the trick as well. Honey chamomile can also help with this. Lastly, while it is never a good idea to make soda drinking a daily habit, a little 7-Up can go a long way when you are feeling queasy. Pair it with some unsalted soda crackers to get your digestive system back on track.

If your nausea isn’t caused by the time of year at all, but is rather being caused by first trimester pregnancy, then add a few teaspoons of wheat germ to a glass of milk to reduce your queasiness.

Healing Headaches

If you find yourself with a debilitating headache right before that important company meeting or big party, then return back to my original praise of the lemon. The crust of a lemon peel can be mashed down and applied as a mask directly to the forehead, or you can squeeze out the pure lemon juice and add to your favorite tea for hopefully close to instant relief. Three to four slices should do the trick.

If you  like the idea of a homemade headache mask, mixing cinnamon with water to form a paste to then be applied to the throbbing area is another home remedy trick that has been proven to work.

Abolishing the Aches

While it sounds far from appetizing, raw potato juice is known as one of the best weapons against aches and pains, especially those stemming from mild arthritis. Cut a medium potato into very thin slices, and place them overnight in a glass of cold water. Drink the water in the morning before you eat anything, and you should see some sort of improvement with your achiness.

Home remedies run abundant all over the Internet and in the recipe boxes of our grandparents. Consider rediscovering them before you spend unnecessary money on over the counter medications.

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