Oct 12, 2006 20:29
So I've (finally) officially begun Project Three Sixty Five. If you don't know what it is, I have basically decided to give a piece of every day for the next year (starting yesterday) to sharing Christ with others. I will follow the Adult Scouts code of ethics and not make an obnoxious televangelical fool out of myself, but instead preach love and what the Lord has taught me. I am hoping to make it into a book next year.
I am documenting it on a separate blog right now, and when I am ready to share it, I will post that link up here. But so far I have already had some adventures! Namely getting flagged off of craigslist three times in less than 24 hours and dialouging with a complete stranger through email as to why he/she does not believe in Christianity.
This is an excerpt from his/her last email to me, and it completely broke my heart,
"What sect of christianity are you? I have talked
with mormons, jesuits, catholics, protestants,
southern baptists, and few other but I can't place
your belief. I have heard of this personal
relationship with jesus but I have never talked to a
person who has this belief."
To have someone - an AMERICAN - experience people of that many denominations, all who claim to be Christ loving denominations, and to have NEVER seen an example of a personal relationship with Jesus??!?!??! My gosh. How is that even possible? Are we as a church doing such a crappy job that the world believes that we think that we are just divinely excused from our actions and that we hang out in holier than thou huddles and never tell others about the joy we have found?
I am sort of mourning this today. I hate how the word "Christianity" leaves a bad taste in the mouths of so many, and that is why I think it is important to remember that the word literally translates into "little Christ" and not into "big shot."
I want my relationship and love for my Jesus to shine through more than I want my church status and tithing record to be apparent.
What about you?