This was a response I just gave to a posting by
eaganmomof3, but I felt compelled to share it here too. I've changed it just slightly, to make it more letter-like. Also...this year, during this election, the gloves are off. I won't pussyfoot around my opinions like I do every election year in this journal. No apologies this time. I know this will make some of you out there quite happy. :-)
Dear RNC protesters,
My brother-in-law is one of those law-enforcers out there on the front lines, in full riot gear attempting to control you. And seeing what I saw on tv last night makes me more scared than I ever thought I'd be. Honestly, what do you expect to accomplish?? What is your goal? Do you even have one, other than to wreak havoc? Yes, yes...I know. Please do not give me a history lesson about how you have the right to free speech. I know you do. But please...if you'd just stop and think logically, this convention is specifically the beginning of change. And change is what you want! So why all the violence? Whether you're a democrat (like me) who'd prefer to see the other side win or not, 2 people are in the process of trying to get the job as President, and when one of them wins, change WILL happen. has to, given the current commander-in-chief has practically run us into the ground.
Regardless of what party you are, things like the DNC and the RNC are there to spark change. They are necesssary if you want things to get better. And to cause such a mess, with really no goal in mind (because you actually think what you're doing is going to change anything?) and put so many people, deliberately in harm's way is dangerous, and irresponsible. The smart among us watch. And we listen. And we learn. Then when we've made our decisions...we VOTE. Sure, we make judgements and state our opinions too. But it's among ourselves. Heck, my close circle of friends take great pleasure at throwing tapeballs at the idiots and their idiotic comments during the debates. We get our aggressions out too. But they're tapeballs aimed at a television in our own homes. Harmless. We don't cause trouble. And we don't put anyone in harm's way. And we especially do not take for granted or abuse the privaleges that soldiers RIGHT NOW are dying (DYING) to protect. Remember them? Does it make you feel good to disrespect them this much? Without their sacrifice, you'd have no place to protest. Don't forget that. If this does not matter to you, then you don't make me angry anymore. I choose not to waste any of my energy getting angry at the irresponsible. Instead, you have my pity.
Chew on that for a while...
No love, and no respect,