Dec 19, 2005 15:09
Well it is the wonderful week of exams. This means all good little students are stuck in their rooms or out a CC's learning everything all over again from the months before. This also is a time of great stress for most everyone around now. Seems the livejournal post are going off the wall. But sometimes, it seems stress can be turned around and fired at people we are close to and in turn, gets some very mad at each other...don't say it doesn't cause one wrong word normally starts it.
Well, at the least I would like to ask, for some certian person to tell me why he made comments about a close friend and myself? That's all I ask, not much is it? I have learned not to ask for the impossible (tried to for 4 doesn't happen). So all I want now is just an understanding of why one makes jokes like that which really hurts a friend when they are already going crazy...I dare not repeat incase I am wrong for it seems that sometimes, people have different ways of taking words.
Now I leave you here, to finish exams and study along. Good luck to all and to all a good night.