Jan 30, 2005 19:55
Ever have one of those weeks when you just want everything over with? Ok...forget that...not weeks but all year at least till summer. Last week was the start of SJA hell....Religion projects, AP Test, two 500 pages books due at the same time, and a person...(who will remain nameless for a point...*coughJordancough*) who just can't seem to take a hit. English teachers don't seem to know that we have other classes to deal with as well so we have half a book in a 2 days...AH! Then when parents find out about things...life goes bye-bye. Banned to your room till a book is finished or till you can sweet talk them into some freedom. *bows down to Mason* I owe you my sanity!...well...I think.
Ok...now that I have ranted about that...what else? Hm...well, most people would say "You should be happy. Mardi Gras is next week." Ok, yes I am happy about that because it is a week off. I have to say though...I only get 4 days of my guy friends. T_T and then off to Disney they go. At least I still get Colton...*plots* heehee...come here my little friend! *looks devilish* Wait..I have a boyfriend, dang...oh! He's going to be gone! *plots*
Ok, no, I'm not that bad. Maybe...only one way to find out! Love you guys!