Aug 20, 2001 22:20
Arby's is having their "annual" summer picnic tommorrow........I've worked there 7 years and have never heard of a summer picnic......this amuses me.
I'm going. I know how lame that is but I'm going to the picnic. Chris was going to go but he has to work so I'm taking the kids, even though they really don't want to go because that will take them away from their friends. I am determined to find something fun for us to do there.
I try to find time to spend with them but we're like everyone else.
The older kids are into their friends and their activities and they aren't home very much during the day and they need their limited freedom and the only time they want to spend time with us is when they're done with their friends at which time we're ready to go to bed after long days at work.... or ready to take it easy on our own, I know, so selfish.
I suppose they think we neglect them at 9:30 at night when we don't seem to pay as much attention to them as we would have at , say, 7 or 8? I don't know.
We've implemented rules that are supposed to provide us time with them but they become sullen because they aren't with friends so they go to bed.
We took them to a party that one of Chris's customer/ friends had. He had a pool, volleyball, fishing, food and contests for the kids. Mine acted put out that we'd brought them and taken them away from their friends.
What the fuck??????
If my parents had spent that time with me or even thought to take me instead of getting a babysitter, I would have been ecstatic.
But then, who wants to hang out with their parents when there are perfectly good friends waiting to corrupt them?
Oh , God, this is going in a direction that I wasn't heading towards.
I just wanna spend some time with my kids and when I tell them we're going to a picnic they ask what time we'll be back..........
They have their own little agendas to meet.
Michelle is going into 9th freaking grade and I hate it. I'm 32 years old. I can't have a Freshman. I'm still a freshman at heart...........
I feel bad because I'm not here every minute of the day for her.....but, she wouldn't want me to be anyways, huh?
Where's the balance? Where's the balance between overwhelming parent and non-existent one?
Where's the balance between remembering how it was as a 14 year old girl and being a parent worrying about what's gonna happen? Is there a middle ground or am I gonna go crazy?
And I'm just talking about Michelle.
What about Scott?
He's 12 ...........I have no clue how he thinks. I know that he gets pissed a lot and feels that everything is so unfair.......the boy hates rules.
Is that normal?
Actually, compared to many of the kids I see running around, mine are pretty tame.
I love them.....I want to be around them, I want them to understand that I know how they are feeling.....unfortunately, I also want them to understand me and that's a very risky proposition.......people have tried and failed.
That's bad because I'm an easy one.
Love me,listen to me, don't brush me off as being an idiot because I don't know the location of a place on a map....I know the ways of the heart and that's better than any map I've seen.......and don't assume to know what I think because my mind travels in many directions per second.
I just want to spend time with my kids and have them have a good time with me and I want to be an awesome Mom. I want them to know how I am totally thankful to have them even when I'm cranky and even when I act hateful. I don't mean to be but I am at times. Not mean, beating, totally cruel hateful, but just cranky " where are you going" stuff and questioning the crap out of them.
I just wanna have peace.
Damn, I wish Chris was able to go with us tomorrow.
I can't get started on him tonight.......I just love him.......and I need to go to sleep now.
Not the direction I meant to turn tonight but it happened.