I don't Wanna be a Pinhead no more.....

Jul 02, 2001 10:36

I hate my job again.
I need to find a new one.
And why are people so fucking rude?
What the hell am I doing managing a stupid fast food restaurant, anyways?
I can do something better.......
What a waste of time.
We need to win the lottery.
I don't wanna work anymore.......not because I'm lazy........shit, I've worked enough to have made enough money to retire right now but all of it goes to other people and the small little things I indulge myself and my family with every once in awhile and feel guilty about because I probably should have used that money to pay a bill.
Fuck it.

I don't wanna deal with a bunch of people who treat me like I'm a piece of shit.
I don't wanna make money for other people anymore.

Oh well, call me a whiner and smack me on the ass........

Some stupid internet company ripped us off for 100 bucks last week. They somehow got our debit card number and made two unauthorized withdrawals, totally screwing up our account. Chris has been beside himself trying to get our money back. I don't really understand how they can get away with that shit. We'll get our money but nothing will happen to them........how is that possible? Damn, If I ripped off 100 bucks from someone fraudulently, all of my friends would be bringing me cigarrettes in jail , where I would be fending off the advances of some not so reputable cell mates and probably getting my ass kicked....


Talk about rude.

Some drunk guy came to Arby's the other day and threw his sandwiches on the floor and jumped up and down on them, screaming and cursing because he said they weren't made right.

I guess some people have bigger mental problems than I do.

Or maybe you'll like this one........
I closed the store the other night, with cars still wrapped around the drive thru and all within the space of 5 minutes...
I had a dude at the window cursing my employee out.
I had a scary looking dude trying to get in the back door for water for his car.

I had 35 pounds of hot fryer grease on the floor because the dumbass who cleaned the fryers didn't empty the box that was supposed to be empty.

During all of these events I had pulled the cash drawers and put them in my office and shut the door. When I tried to get in there to call the cops on the guy trying to get in the back door, I found that the lock was jammed and I couldn't get in there.

I said "fuck it" and bummed a cig from an employee because my cigs, along with my purse and my car keys, were in the office I couldn't get into. I smoked my cig in the drive thru of this wonderful non-smoking establishment that I was coming to belive was hell.
" And just what the HELL did I do to deserve this?", I wondered aloud while my employees were freaking out all around me?
"Hell, someone go buy a six and I'll just sit and drink beer...screw the fact that I can't leave....make it a twelve, we'll share.", I told no one in particular.

When my cig was smoked down to the filter, and the nicotine was again running nicely through my veins, I got control of myself and paged the supervisors, who of course had no idea what to do at 11:30 at night.

"Look," I told them, " my freaking purse is in the FREAKING office with my car keys in it..... I'm about to kick the freaking thing in if someone doesn't come here and open it for me......."

They told me to calm down.....HELL NO....Until I told them that there were uncounted drawers sitting on the desk that contained 1700 dollars.

They were there within 15 minutes.

Ah.....the power of money.....my price for freedom from my hell.

They didn't give a crap if I had to stay there all night and wait for a locksmith, I am just a little pinhead manager to them.......I had to tell them all of their money was on the desk to get them to do anything about it.

I need a new job.
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