I'm moving up to Venice in October. WOO. Finally. Moving in with Waylon. FINALLY! I'm also gonna be able to take free 3D classes at the art institute since Waylon did a lecture there, and we're friends with the head of the 3D department. I won't get credit, but I just need some basic 3D skills so I can make my own objects to texture. I'm hoping to land a job as a texture artist soon, but in the meantime I'll have to find some random job in LA so I can contribute monies to rents. If anyone knows of anything... holla.
New shit and I thought I'd just slop it together. SLOPPYYYY.
marble elderman
this is what happens at work when it's dead for 2 hrs
drawn in a haze on venice beach
I'm originally from arizona. Undead cowboys give me a fierce woman-boner
A concept sketch I like from the neck down