(no subject)

Sep 28, 2008 21:12

I think I've decieded what i'm going to do.  If I can't find a major that really interests me by the end of the semester, I think i'm going to go for a bachelor's degree in business.  That is really an open ended degree and I could do a lot of things with it.
I think I want to move to New York for a year after I graduate.  It just seems like something that should be done at least once, ya know?  I'm hoping that other people that I know that graduate around the same time I do will have similar feelings.  I'd rather go there with a roomate then try to find one there.  Who knows who I might get.

I'm kind of undecided about my work for next semester.  In Feburary, The Rock is closing and being totally remade.  At the moment it's kind of like an all-you-can-eat-bufett style, but come next year I've heard it's going to be more like a mini-mall type thing.  And instead of being open until 7, it'll be open until midnight.  I'm not excited for those hours.
The dilemma is, that while the place is closed for the semester, the management is only moving the student supervisors and I've heard rumors of a few good student workers as well.  I'm not a Supervisor.  I'm not sure if I want to be one either.  I would like the pay raise (how ever slight it is), but I still don't know how everything works.  I know I've been there for a year, you think I would, but how would I know how to close D.A. if I've never done it before?  And if I don't apply for supervisor (or I do and I don't make it), there is a chance that i'll be asked to move to another location on campus.  If I get offered to move then for sure i'm going to take it, but if i'm not I'm not sure what i'm going to do.  Should I apply somewhere else, or just not have a job? It would be nice to not have a job and use that extra 10+ hour's a week on something more akin to school.  On the other hand I do enjoy getting that paycheck every other week.  And nobody knows for sure if past Rock employee's are going to be guaranteed a job when the re-open.  I hope we do.  Personally, I think we should.

People surprise me some days.  A girl that I know mainly because she's friends with Christa, Dawn, and Jess invited me to sit with her when I walked past her.  Granted, I think it was a "Wanna eat with us so you're not eatting alone" kind of invite, but still it surprised me nontheless.
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