Apr 23, 2003 19:00
last night lindsey, ally, and me watched valentime the movie and it was soooooooooooo good.... like realy, i couldn't even watch when people were drying 'cause it was soooo fucking scary...lindsey and ally were saying how it's weird to see david borenanaz in sun, since there so into watching buffy and angel....haha and seeing him in t-ee shirts.. it is weird... ehh anyway.... i've talked to jackie today online and she was acting a bit weird. i think anyway... well something happended that mad me think a lot and that is sofia's question to me this morning which was ''are we separating''? it got me kind of scared, 'cause i thought the same thing...... i feel like i was in a realionship, haha. but seriously like we knew each other for soooooooooo long and crap and been through a lot and after all this time i came up when we were both thinking of it... well hopefull it's a phase and it will blow over also im getting together with noelle friday and sofia tomorrow... well off to watch more buffy