Back by popular demand

Jan 30, 2009 14:20

Well, I got a few minutes with a laptop and I need to smatter you all with men! I know you won't complain so in no particular order, my list (that I could come up with on the fly) of my all access men!

Teaser but so much more beneath:

Brad Pitt

Chris Evans

David Boreanaz

Deserves another...

Heath Ledger - miss you, baby.

Hugh Jackman

James Franco

James Marsters

Jeffrey Donovan

Johnny Messner

Justin Hartley

Matthew McConaughey

Michael Biehn

Michael Shanks

Alex O'Loughlin

Paul Walker

Ryan Reynolds

Kevin Smith - miss you, baby.

Jared Padalecki

Deserves two...

And one with his on-screen brother...

Speaking of his on-screen brother...

Jensen Ackles

Deserves another...

Sully Erna

I have varied tastes in my meat as you'll see further down...

Steve Bacic

Travis Fimmel

John Cena

Shawn Michaels - hard to call him meat when he's one of my oldest friends but shush!

Randy Orton

Dwayne Johnson

Victor Webster

Orlando Bloom and Viggo Mortensen in costume cuz they're hot!

Adrian Paul

Vin Diesel

Adam Copeland

Dave Batista

Keith Hamilton Cobb

Joe Flanigan

Jason Momoa

Georges St. Pierre

Matt Hardy

Deserves another...

With his brother, Jeff...

Deserves two...

Speaking of Jeff...

Jeff Hardy

and another...

and another...

and the gorgeous one...

I'm creamy and happy and will get back in bed now! Love you, my flist! Don't forget me!

friends, picspam

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