Apr 20, 2006 12:15
Ok, I have given up having a positive outlook on life. This is just one thing to freaking many. Everytime everything seems to go well, something bad freaking happens. I finally found some balance. School is going great, I found a new job (not exactly my dream job, but it's an income), I started my extern hours for my Pharmacy Tech's license, I have even found time to spend with friends. So, my class got out early, and I called Andrea. We decided to go with Matt and Rater to dinner. I'm driving over there, and this 17 year old kid frelling rear-ends me. I couldn't believe it. All because he didn't want to put on his breaks while I was waiting to turn. I was going down a 4 lane street. Two going one way, two going the other. I was in the far left lane, waiting til there wasn't any cross traffic so I could turn left. This kid see's me stopped, with my blinker on, and tries to change lanes. The guy in the next lane doesn't want to let someone in front of him, so he speeds up. The kid still doesn't break, and pulls into the other lane, but he doesn't quite make it, and hits the passanger side of my car. It isn't that bad, and no one was hurt. Don't get me wrong, I know it could have been a lot worse. If he had hit me full on going the speed he was going, instead of just clipping me the way he did, I would have been knocked into a steady stream of on-coming traffic, and I probably would not be writing this. And the poor kid felt awful about it. I think the thing that pissed me off most was when his dad got there. His dad walks right up to ME and asks if I'm ok. When I told him I was fine, he turns to his son and starts yelling. "You are so fucking grounded. You are never driving me car again." Doesn't even ask if his son is ok. His son could have been dead, and he doesn't even ask if he's ok.
I know it seems stupid and petty but I am pissed that I have to now spend the next several months fighting with insurance companies to get my frelling car fixed. I seriously am considering given up driving after another accident. One was plenty, thank you very freaking much. I can't believe this, just what I needed. *bangs head on desk* I just want to sleep. But of course I can't do that, cause I have to go to work. *screams*
I must have really bad karma.